combo hatching


10 Years
Dec 30, 2014
I currently have Coturnix quail and am ready to start incubating a batch. I have also just ordered some California valley quail eggs for hatching. if i stagger the start date so they hatch at approx. the same time will i have any problems raising them together?

Do the Calif valley quail take longer to hatch? I'm not familiar with them, but Usually most anything that hatches and are raised together should do fine. May be smart to be prepared with plan B, just in case they don't get along, but I'd guess they would be ok.
I would say it sounds like trouble. These two species of quail are about as different as they get. Valleys will need higher quality food as chicks, they grow slower, and they act completely different from coturnix.
The cots will attack the slower, smaller, valley chicks until dead. Savage little things XD
I'd keep them apart.
i am "cooking " them in different incubators and will raise them appart.

Thanks for the input!!

Do the Calif valley quail take longer to hatch? I'm not familiar with them, but Usually most anything that hatches and are raised together should do fine. May be smart to be prepared with plan B, just in case they don't get along, but I'd guess they would be ok.
Yes, Valley quail take longer to hatch, 22 to 24 days to incubate. Coturnix quail take 16 to 18 days and can take as long as 20 days. Usually 18 days is the norm.
The two should not be raised together, period.
Yes, Valley quail take longer to hatch, 22 to 24 days to incubate. Coturnix quail take 16 to 18 days and can take as long as 20 days. Usually 18 days is the norm.
The two should not be raised together, period.

So I am guilty of one thing that I hate about this site. Answering without really "knowing" the answer. My apologies to @Jaybird14 I should have kept my guess to myself. But I do appreciate being corrected, and I learned something about Valley quail! :)
So I am guilty of one thing that I hate about this site. Answering without really "knowing" the answer. My apologies to @Jaybird14 I should have kept my guess to myself. But I do appreciate being corrected, and I learned something about Valley quail! :)
Sorry, WVduckchick, I didn't mean for my response to be that harsh! I've found through the years (the hard way) that it is better to keep different species seperated. Heck, I've had birds of the same species after living peaceably together for years, start attacking eachother, why? That's the million dollar question.
Sorry, WVduckchick, I didn't mean for my response to be that harsh! I've found through the years (the hard way) that it is better to keep different species seperated. Heck, I've had birds of the same species after living peaceably together for years, start attacking eachother, why? That's the million dollar question.

No, no you were not harsh. If you feel strongly that they shouldn't be raised together, that's perfectly fine, and something that the OP needs to consider. I've raised large fowl, bantams, quail, ducks, and one turkey. The only issue I had with mixing little ones together were the ducks and the turkey. Otherwise, any mixture has gotten along for me.

I actually have a baby coop right now with a mixture of chicken chicks that all hatched within a few days of each other, mostly rescues from leftover broody hatches, or loners. 2 Marans, 1 bantam cochin, 1 cochin/silkie mix, 1 chocolate orpington, and 1 serama! They are big buddies! (I believe all are male, except maybe the cochin mix, so maybe that has something to do with it)

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