Combo playscape/coop/run is DONE!!!

OH wow awesome job! Those chicks look nice and safe with all the hardware cloth around the run

Sometimes you can find a freebie playscape for just taking it apart & taking it away after the kiddos have gotten older--our neighbors did just that with a smaller playscape & it's still in their backyard. Never thought about the storm aspect, but around here that's a definite possibility. They are predicting a more active storm season this year due to weather patterns--should be an interesting spring

When I first read about digging down to bury the hardware cloth I was very discouraged--did not sound like a fun task
(think I'd prefer a series of root canals!). But, in other posts I found where people were wrapping onto the ground in front of the run & that sounded great to me
! I would love to have an automatic door but just can't justify the expense right now. I think that even if we get home late that the girls will be pretty safe. My goal is to have it so that minimal tasks have to be done if we go somewhere for a few days. We have great neighbors (we get to watch their cat...and their pool), but I think asking them to get eggs & check food/water will be all I'd want them to have to do.
Thanks! Although my daughter is now a "tween" she still loves to swing in the evenings. In the summer she likes to run the hose down the slide, slide down, and get wet. I'm glad she can still enjoy it and have room for the chickens, too.
That takes the cake. What a FANTASTIC idea! And, yes, it's extra entertainment for the kiddos as they swing. Great job!
The chickens haven't yet gotten the hang of going to bed at night. They start yapping when it's time to go to bed, but they don't seem to want to go in the coop (kind of like 2 year old kids!!). Last night they went in a little easier, but Daf (BO) kept popping in & out the door. When she finally went in she was eyeing the nestbox as a good place to sleep so I finally opened the door and placed her (protesting all the way) on the roost board. Silly girls!!

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