Combo playscape/coop/run is DONE!!!


Love it! It's so nice when something can be multi-functional AND look great too! A+++
What a great idea! My husband and I have been going around and around about whether to build the playscape or the coop first...and you've solved our dilemma. I hope you don't mind if we steal your idea and build one here in Gainesville!
Thanks everyone!

Beekercat--Have fun building the playscape/coop! My only advice would be to have a "normal" roof for the coop if at all possible rather than a "flat" roof--much easier to build. We expect to see pictures as you go along--make sure you enter it into the contest. If you have any questions, just let me know. We'll have "sister" coops
(I used to live in Jacksonville, so it would be great to have one in Florida!)
I'm still working on a morning routine with the chickens, but this morning I got the paper before I went to the coop to clean up. As I took the plastic sleeve off the newspaper I just about put it in the recycle bin but then realized it would make a great "glove" for cleaning up the poop board! I just used it as a glove to put the "deposits" into the compost bin. Worked great & just thought I'd share.

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