Combs have black spots


7 Years
Jul 10, 2013
South Carolina
What could this be? It's on several of my chickens...
I thought it was freeze comb since my friends chickens (Mine are easter eggers so they dont get freeze comb) had the exact same thing, except it was on the tips too. Sorry, my bad
Okay, thanks! I didn't think it was frostbite because the roosters have enormous combs and they don't have it. But I AM thankful for the petroleum jelly tip -- I'm sure we will need it!
I have started the treatment with sulfur and Vaseline ointment. I started the Iodine in their drinking water. I had just cleaned the coops and runs. One of the chicks has lost a lot of chest feathers. I have a feeling they are starting to molt. I will keep you updated on the progress as it happens. Thanks!

Your chickens got freeze comb. If you want to protect their combs, put petroleum jelly on their combs each night when they got to roost. Hope this helps!
Looks like pecking to me.

Pox could be another possibility but it's not frostbite or else the tips would be dark gray to black as the tips would get frozen first.

My bet is on pecking or dirt.
Your chickens got freeze comb. If you want to protect their combs, put petroleum jelly on their combs each night when they got to roost. Hope this helps!
My chooks just started looking the same. I live in tropics it never gets cold.. though I’ve changed there feed which is maybe the issue.
Hi @mellissa :frow Do you have concerns about your chicken's combs?
If you can post some photos, we will be glad to take a look.
Tell us more about your feed - you changed it?
Hi, I changed feed from Barastoc top layer mash to Laucke MP show breeder mini pellets. I treated with ivermectin yesterday will see if this makes any difference. Egg production is still high. Will get photo. Thanks

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