combs & wattles question

I have 3 barred rocks , i thought they were the same age, 2 of them have red full comb, but one of the hens comb isn't growing as rapidly as the other kinda seems like it has stopped growing...any one heard of this?
I have 3 barred rocks , i thought they were the same age, 2 of them have red full comb, but one of the hens comb isn't growing as rapidly as the other kinda seems like it has stopped growing...any one heard of this?
How old are they?

It's very common for hens coming into the point of lay to have different rates of growth in he comb. Just like humans, some mature faster, some slower. If you have pics would be good.
Here's our Production Rhode Island Red, Handsome.
In the photo below, he's shown at 4 weeks, you can see his nose comb is already wider than the pullets in the back, but hardly pink yet. I was already positive he was male.

Here, Handsome is feathering in at 6 weeks, and his comb has grown quite a bit and deepened in color, the pullets having nearly none at this age. His neck hackle feathers are starting to looked pointed. It's fairly obvious that he's a cockerel even though his cheeks hadn't turned red yet. He had stubs on his back right in front of his tail where saddle feathers were growing in.

Here's Handsome at 19 weeks: Red comb, large wattles, pointed hackle neck feathers. He has a more golden-red hue than our other P RIR. His super shiny, pointy tipped saddle feathers (about 1" long) grew in and his grownup tail feathers were growing in. Redder face. Still not crowing at this age.

One of our other 20 week old Cockerels, Red, with the pullet Henny (same age.) Notice how much redder the cockerel is and how much larger his comb and wattles.
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My 4 month old rooster had some white lines on his wattle on both sides. We have been having really hot weather. Is it dry skin or why is it like this.
Hi, gang,
15 Years ago I ordered 24 pullets, hens and two roosters and that's exactly what I got. a few years later I got out of chickens because of having young children. Now I'm back. I bought 5 chicks 3 austrolorps and two PBRocks. One turned ouit to be a rooster. I didn't want ay roosters.
Not the end of the world I'll find a good home for him, people want him for their flock already. I recently sought to get a couple more to A). Replace him with two hen Austrolorps, and B) . to get two Buff Orps to add color to the herd. Due to bad experiences with my sexlinks fighting in the past I also chose My Austrolorps,Barred Rocks and Orpingtons for their preferred personalities and high egg yields.
As you know adding new birds can be difficult especially when differently aged than your existing group. Long Story Short I huntd down some birds that were within 2 weeks of mine.
Here's the rub. Some of my austrolorps that the guy swore were hens have small combs while the other one has a lesser comb.
on of my Orpingtons has a more developed comb than the other and all four of these birds are allegedly the exact same age and they look like they are the same age.
Can the combs on birds the same age develop at different times or am I stuck with a couple more roosters. Even though the guy swore they were all four hens, he saidifnthey turn out to be Roos he'd swap them out. That only takes me back to another search for birds that are the same age.

Thanks Bob
Hi, gang,
15 Years ago I ordered 24 pullets, hens and two roosters and that's exactly what I got. a few years later I got out of chickens because of having young children. Now I'm back. I bought 5 chicks 3 austrolorps and two PBRocks. One turned ouit to be a rooster. I didn't want ay roosters.
Not the end of the world I'll find a good home for him, people want him for their flock already. I recently sought to get a couple more to A). Replace him with two hen Austrolorps, and B) . to get two Buff Orps to add color to the herd. Due to bad experiences with my sexlinks fighting in the past I also chose My Austrolorps,Barred Rocks and Orpingtons for their preferred personalities and high egg yields.
As you know adding new birds can be difficult especially when differently aged than your existing group. Long Story Short I huntd down some birds that were within 2 weeks of mine.
Here's the rub. Some of my austrolorps that the guy swore were hens have small combs while the other one has a lesser comb.
on of my Orpingtons has a more developed comb than the other and all four of these birds are allegedly the exact same age and they look like they are the same age.
Can the combs on birds the same age develop at different times or am I stuck with a couple more roosters. Even though the guy swore they were all four hens, he saidifnthey turn out to be Roos he'd swap them out. That only takes me back to another search for birds that are the same age.

Thanks Bob

Post some pictures of your chickens. And yes, combs can develop on birds the same age and sex at different times.
Hi I would like to know if it is normal for australourp chicks to have black or cream coloured combs they are 1 month old with just a bit showing. Tks for any info.

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