OK, so I decided it was a good time for me to butcher my 3rd chicken. (I'm doing them as we're ready for a chicken to eat.) And I'm by myself in the backyard away from all the other chickens and guineas.
I make 2 cuts to the neck to cut his head off and he jerks to get up. I loose my hold on him thinking he's just going to flop. But instead he gets up and starts to run. I have heard of chickens running with their heads off so I don't think anything of it until...
the rooster begins to run towards the front of the house. And so the chase begins. He runs under the truck, around the trees, back under the truck, back around the trees. Captain Bart sees this bleeding roo and decides he is going to get in on the action. So the nex t time when the Stew runs under the truck, Bart follows and attacks him.
The roo runs back to the trees, me and Bart follow. Bart was actually a big help.
Then the roo went into where they sleep and I was able to catch him again and finish butchering.
He was very tasty. Wonderful stew. He weighed 5 lbs dressed. Huge drumsticks and thighs.
Anyway thought I'd share this tale.
I make 2 cuts to the neck to cut his head off and he jerks to get up. I loose my hold on him thinking he's just going to flop. But instead he gets up and starts to run. I have heard of chickens running with their heads off so I don't think anything of it until...
the rooster begins to run towards the front of the house. And so the chase begins. He runs under the truck, around the trees, back under the truck, back around the trees. Captain Bart sees this bleeding roo and decides he is going to get in on the action. So the nex t time when the Stew runs under the truck, Bart follows and attacks him.
The roo runs back to the trees, me and Bart follow. Bart was actually a big help.

He was very tasty. Wonderful stew. He weighed 5 lbs dressed. Huge drumsticks and thighs.
Anyway thought I'd share this tale.