Comments or concerns on the Repti Pro 5000 incubator


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 15, 2011
I am looking at buying a new incubator and came across the Repti Pro. Has anyone used this bator and how does it perform?
Would I be better off buying something else? Any and all comments/ suggestions appreciated!!
I just purchased mine and had my first hatch yesterday. I am very pleased with it. Easy to use and very steady temps. I have no complaints at all but if I could change anything abut it I would add aseconf shelf for more capacity

Edited to add, I have had every type incubator known to man form a brinsea to a LG to a GQF cabinet and everything in between. I did not like any of them as much as this little unit from Repto Pro.
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I had great results with mine but I set the temp at 101 because the temp varries at different levels in the unit. That made it a parfect 99.5 at the mid point and it worked like a charm! I suggest checkingyour temps with a digital thermometer and adjusting according to that reading. I also used the dry hatch method.

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