Competition time! *All poultry welcomed*


Jul 20, 2020
Hey there!
Since my last competition got so many views, I am going to be running another one.
Here is what you need to know-
1) You may enter your poultry in any of the 4 categories below,
2) 1 entry per category
3) MUST be your own pictures
4) Winners announced January 15th 2021
5) Have fun!

Category 1)
-Most heroic backstory (eg, Mimi has been attacked 3 times and has had cuts xyx but still lays the most eggs....)

Category 2)
- Most stunning/ eye-catching bird

Category 3)
-Best In Show Hen ( Overall best HEN)

Category 4)
-Best In Show Cockerel (Overall best Cockerel)

Remember, winners announced January 15th!

Good luck!
(Category: 4)

Category 1


Elvis saved me from a stranger and never got a scratch.
wow! thats soo brave! Can you explain a bit more about the 'stranger' and how Elvis saved you ? :)
Ok! One morning I was out early, the only person up in my family at that time, and I was in my chickens run. I suddenly heard a man say "So is this it? Is this it?" I turned around, and there was this man walking towards me. I guickly hid into my chickens coop. It probably wasn't the best hiding spot cause he saw me go in there and that coop's door wasn't attached and to keep it closed, you had to close it from the outside. Then I heard a familiar sound: Elvis! He was coming around the corner (he was free-ranging) and with his head feathers up, he went towards that man! I was still in the coop hiding, so I didn't see what happened after he walked by the coop, but a few minutes later my older sister was outside looking for me and the man was gone! I don't know if that man was going to hurt me or anything, but I do know that there is a lot of possibly dangerous people in my neighborhood. (I won't go into details of some of the people in my neighborhood.)

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