COMPLETED - Help Needed - Rank, Rate, Vote for the "best" Coop Pages

Weird, the pictures showed up for me. Anybody else able / not able to see the pics for that coop?

I can see them.
Weird, the pictures showed up for me. Anybody else able / not able to see the pics for that coop?

I just had the same problem with one of the ones I was supposed to judge. I just judged it from what I read.
Do you have an example link? In general, judge the overall helpfulness of the page. If you were looking to build a coop, how helpful or interesting would that page be to you?

Weird, the pictures showed up for me. Anybody else able / not able to see the pics for that coop?

I just had the same problem with one of the ones I was supposed to judge. I just judged it from what I read.

Right, that's why this is a clean up. Some of the coop pages may be missing images or have content missing / changed over the years. This process should help us identify those.
Weird, the pictures showed up for me. Anybody else able / not able to see the pics for that coop?

I can see them.

Me too.

I think I've done 8, in more than one sitting. I just click on the "here" in the first post and it takes me right to my next assignment -- or even to one I hadn't finished, once.

I'll keep going back and doing more, a little at a time.
I just completed my first assignment, and when I submitted it said the project was complete and there was no more. NOw I know that isnt the case. So do evaluate another project to I click the link enter my email and that gives me another assignment?

This is a great project and I am enjoying all the coop designs. Awsome job!

Hmm I finished my 7 or 8 assignment and then it said there was no more. I went back to page one to click on the link and it ask for a email and password. Well I entered my email before but didnt have any passowrd. Now I can do any more assignments. I really was enjoying this project. Let me know if I need to do anything else to help. I will keep comming back here to try.

Well that was fun! When my DH peeked in at me & rolled his eyes for being on BYC, I told him I was doing something important. That certainly shut him up!

I completed 4 rounds of rating (20), but on the 4th one , the photos had been remover "Photobucket" logo was up. I had to end up giving this one a 1 "poop" and 2 "small" rating to complete it.

Here's the coop listing

This is coop number 5 and the Coop URL is: Coop Coop
I had been in several times, but I can't get in any more, either. At first it took me right to the review pages, then it wanted my email and password once or twice, which it accepted. Now it is telling me the password is wrong. I definitely used the same password each time.

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