Concerns for a chick with mamma hen


In the Brooder
Dec 13, 2019
We have a hen that recently hatched out a chick (yes, just one!) the chick is about a week old today. Yesterday morning I found the chick stuck on her back. She was very weak and gasping with noisy breathing. We were able to get her some water with a little honey and then egg yolk, and she revived significantly. Normal breathing, pooping, trying a little preening, drinks by herself. Still wobbly though. We put the chick back with the mamma hen yesterday afternoon; she was crying a lot and seemed like she wanted her mamma. Mamma hen is a good mamma, but I haven’t seen the chick eat her feed again. All the chick wants to do is hide in mamma. I gave the chick some more yolk before they went to sleep last night. This morning is a little cool (50s at sunrise, and lower 70s now, 10:30a). They have not come out to eat and drink yet. Should I be concerned? Or has it just been too chilly? Going to check on them again. If they don’t come out should I try to get them to? Concerned about the chick getting food and water, as she was still a little weak yesterday.
Thank you!
We have a hen that recently hatched out a chick (yes, just one!) the chick is about a week old today. Yesterday morning I found the chick stuck on her back. She was very weak and gasping with noisy breathing. We were able to get her some water with a little honey and then egg yolk, and she revived significantly. Normal breathing, pooping, trying a little preening, drinks by herself. Still wobbly though. We put the chick back with the mamma hen yesterday afternoon; she was crying a lot and seemed like she wanted her mamma. Mamma hen is a good mamma, but I haven’t seen the chick eat her feed again. All the chick wants to do is hide in mamma. I gave the chick some more yolk before they went to sleep last night. This morning is a little cool (50s at sunrise, and lower 70s now, 10:30a). They have not come out to eat and drink yet. Should I be concerned? Or has it just been too chilly? Going to check on them again. If they don’t come out should I try to get them to? Concerned about the chick getting food and water, as she was still a little weak yesterday.
Thank you!
They are out now, and I fed the chick some more yolk. She is still wobbly, but doing ok. Grateful to God for her progress so far 😊
Get some Poultry Nutri-Drench if you can, to mix into the water (or direct dose at full strength if needed) and make sure there's both water and food near wherever the mama and chick are currently living.
Thank you.
They have food and water directly nearby in their enclosure. I gave the chick some yolk five different times throughout the day. She drinks it from a spoon. I watched her use the waterer twice, so she can do that much, as well as run/stumble around and bury herself in mama.
Thanks again for the recommendation! Will look into that
Get some Poultry Nutri-Drench if you can, to mix into the water (or direct dose at full strength if needed) and make sure there's both water and food near wherever the mama and chick are currently living.
Chick is doing good now, eating the feed and getting around. I put the nutri drench in their water yesterday and she’s drinking it. Thanks again for the recommendation!

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