Confused again - please help


Dec 22, 2019
Hi there everyone.
Okay so I really thought I understood genetics but now I am totally confused.
I bred my black split for mottled rooster to my lavender hen, incubated 6 eggs under the hen.
I was expecting to get 3 black split for lavender and three lavender mottled BUT...
She hatched out 3 black mottled and 3 lavender mottled chicks.
How on earth did it happen that 3 chicks are black mottled when only one parent had one mottled gene? I thought with recessive genes the chick would need two copies in order to express that colour?
Why was the dominant black gene not expressed at all in any of the chicks?
What's going on here, ha ha?
Mottling and lavender are both recessive so for either to show the chicks would have to get a gene from each parent.
Your black split for mottling rooster has to carry both mottling and lavender and your lavender hen has to carry mottling to produce those chicks.
Lavender is just a dilute gene on black and mottling is just the mottled gene on black so both parents are black and all the chicks are black. Its just the other genes changing it.
Pics of parents and chicks would of been helpful.
Hi there and thanks so much for your reply.
I'll try see if I can borrow a camera from someone.
Can't wait to find out what is going on here, thanks again....

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