So here's the story:
I had a flock of Buff Orps, with 2 black australorps 2yrs ago (my only roo was a Buff). For a school project I hatched out chicks from my flock and some extra's my friend had from her Rhode Island Reds.
Of the hatch I ended up with three chicks, two roo's and Frede (hen), the boys have since gone on, lovely coyotes
I always thought Frede was a RIR because she was soooo much darker then my buffs...well this past fall we decided to change to RIR cause Frede was such a prolific layer my husband said we needed more like her. So in comes a flock of RIR's that a friend of his had too many of...and whoa...wait a minute... Frede isnt nearly as dark as they are!
So now I am confused....she is really to dark to be buff (at least thats what I thought - since my buffs were rather pale) but she isnt dark enough to be RIR she? I never saw my friends flock of RIR's so there this much variation?

here is my Roo, a hen and behind them you can see Frede, and the color difference.

and just cause Frede is such a camera hog!!

I had a flock of Buff Orps, with 2 black australorps 2yrs ago (my only roo was a Buff). For a school project I hatched out chicks from my flock and some extra's my friend had from her Rhode Island Reds.
Of the hatch I ended up with three chicks, two roo's and Frede (hen), the boys have since gone on, lovely coyotes

I always thought Frede was a RIR because she was soooo much darker then my buffs...well this past fall we decided to change to RIR cause Frede was such a prolific layer my husband said we needed more like her. So in comes a flock of RIR's that a friend of his had too many of...and whoa...wait a minute... Frede isnt nearly as dark as they are!
So now I am confused....she is really to dark to be buff (at least thats what I thought - since my buffs were rather pale) but she isnt dark enough to be RIR she? I never saw my friends flock of RIR's so there this much variation?

here is my Roo, a hen and behind them you can see Frede, and the color difference.

and just cause Frede is such a camera hog!!