Congested Roo


11 Years
Feb 11, 2008
North Branch, MI
Got a pair of Serama's about a month ago, the roo had a very strange sounding almost froggy crow. I asked the previous "mom" and she said he always had so we thought nothing of it. After a week or so he began to get congested sounding when he would breath so I started him, and all 3 of his hens on duramycin. Granted the girls are fine but its better to be safe than sorry and nip it in the bud I thought. Now after being treated with VetRx and duramycin in his water for over a week he isnt getting any better. He actually seems to be getting worse. There is only congestion no swelling, no discoloration, no diarrhea, no coughing or sneezing.

Today I separated him from his girls because he appears almost stoned. He is acting very strange! He is easy to tip over but he is walking on his own. He has been eating and drinking fine.

Please ANY ideas let me know. This is my sons only roo and he was given to him to replace his best bird friend that past away over the summer.

By the way, the person we got him from has no signs of illness at her house and all of our other birds are showing no signs at all of any problems.

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