Congrats to my hubby!!!......pic *graphic to some* :)

In michigan you can use a crossbow during gun season unless you get the special permit then you can use it anywhere

=-Congrats on that buck!!!!-=

Thanks to all!!!
He was pretty happy. He wasnt able to tag one last year and so with this kill he was very excited!! Its off to the taxidermist right now to be mounted.....that will make 4 in my living room...UGH! My father has about 13 NICE ones mounted but he has been hunting for like 45 years lol. He cant anymore because he had a stroke but loves to give my husband advice and tips!!
Nice buck !!!! but the smile on that young hunter is what made me smile. what a great way to share the hunting experience, Dads passing on the knowledge to their son's timeless.

Thank you!! Austin has been hunting with his dad several times but always falls asleep LOL. He is going on his first squirrel hunting experience this weekend with his dad. He is very excited to be able to use his gun.
My pa nearly chopped his finger off with one of those cross bows. They went hunting and it went off with the safety on and his hand just happen to be in the way, but they sewed it back on.

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