Connecticut Chicken Stock


12 Years
Jan 23, 2008
I've got the place if you've got the time. Parking for 10 plus. Would love to host a Chickenstock in June. Location; Oxford CT. Think on it and get back to me.
My husband does his Mazda meets here, so I know we can accomdate chicken freaks. Let's gather! Someone make T-shirts please! Think June, especially solstice.

Do your meets on the same weekend and send a roo home with everyone that drives a MAZDA!!!!

I know there are a bunch of people who have wanted a CT Chickenstock.
We gotta keep this on top of the list.

I'll also add a link on the Connecticut Thread...

I'm hoping by spring, to get my first chickens. This is new to me. What is a Chickenstock? Will be there if not working.

It will be new to me too. I think it's basically a get together of chicken people. We can discuss details down the road. I'm really just bumping this again.
A Chickenstock is when a group of chicken lovers get together and hang out,
swap chicken stories, swap chickens, have a picnic, sit in the mud, listen to a bunch
of 60's bands,(oh wait, I drifted into Woodstock). You get the picture.

Do a search on the forums for "chickenstock". They have had them in a lot
of areas.
I'm happy to have such an enthusiastic response for Chickenstock CT 2008. I broke the news to my husband this morning, and he's totally on board with it. Let's work on nailing down a date in June. (First weekend we're out of town.)

I imagine we'll fire up the grills, potluck, talk chickens, play music (if you want to jam, bring an instrument) Hubby will no doubt haul out his guitar. Chicken swap would be excellent. We could set that up in a separate area. Best of all, we'd get to meet our local fellow chickenophiles. PurpleChicken you're right next door to me! I sometimes speak at the Beacon Falls library.

Looking forward to this.


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