
Hahaha that's like the day I walked out the front door and my neighbors 5 horses and goats were staring me in the eye like HI are you going to FEED US??????

Thanks for the welcome, and thanks for sharing the pic of that beautiful hen! We have a buff Orp currently, but I'd like to add a lavender one down the line.

I need some advice from my fellow CT chicken keepers. We currently have 4 hens which we got this spring. They live in a 4x4 coop with a run of 48 sq. ft. They are happy and healthy.
Now, of course, we've got "chicken fever" and want to add more. So, simple chicken math tells me that we need a bigger coop. Unfortunately, an addition is not really possible but building a second coop sorta behind this first set-up could work.
We think we will eventually (by 2013) have 14 or 15 hens, and need 60 sq ft of coop space, plus the appropriate run space. Am I correct to assume that all the birds will cluster in one coop, even if there are multiple options? We are considering a 4x12 new coop and attaching it to the current run.

Yes if they had a choice they would all crowd into one
why I don't know but, with all the roost space in the world if you go into one of my Large Fowl coops at night they are all ontop of each other sooo annoying!!
b/c they usually poo all over each other too!!

I usually say inside for large fowl 2-4 square feet per bird, Small bantam size 1-2 square feet. But, that is only if you have a large pen. for 14-16 hens I would actually only do 3-4 laying nests and you'd be surprise how they all still try to lay in the same one in that quanity!! I have decent size laying boxes in each coop and i've seen a broody on eggs with two hens on top of her trying to lay an egg in the same nest! Insane I tell ya

Good Luck and I think I know someone selling Large Fowl that are 3 months old. They are on this site but, I can't say yet unless they are sold or change their mind

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ok i cant take it! i keep looking around my basement at all the things i can turn into an incubator! I dont know if I can wait until spring and there are so0o0o0o0o many eggs out there that I would love to hatch ! ahhhhh LOL

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