
I hear you shipping can definitely make a deal or break a deal
Hey how did you ever get Dan to buy a partiridge since he looks like something puked on them???
is he finally coming to his senses???

well first i yelled at him, told him they're cute and that he looks like someone puked on him lol, then he said what ever they're your chicken *grump grump grump* lol then i said well i want one i think they're kool looking with all those different colors, then he got me one lol, i got lucky when i shipped my polish out, shipping wasnt too too bad($47) now i saw some pretty kool looking paints and one some of those now. i guess dan is right i want alot of stuff lmao
Beth G. :

I hear you shipping can definitely make a deal or break a deal
Hey how did you ever get Dan to buy a partiridge since he looks like something puked on them???
is he finally coming to his senses???

Yeah the paints are cute. Bellablue just got them and I can't wait to go see them. Glad he changed his mind for you to get some Parti's!!! I love my partridges and working to improve their type and color

i saw a beautiful male on here, but im not getting him. i wish i got the one you were selling. he was so cute and fluffy
Beth G. :

Yeah the paints are cute. Bellablue just got them and I can't wait to go see them. Glad he changed his mind for you to get some Parti's!!! I love my partridges and working to improve their type and color

Beth G. :

Oh no did you get bit by the silkie bug too?? lol I swear as soon as peeps see the little fluff balls live in person they start to think about downsizing big girls and upsizing the fuzzy buttz
(can't say I blame them)

hahahaha me an debbie still love our monster orps lol.maybe one day we will get a silkie for our orps to eat lol.they are nice to hold very soft an calm.​
Your too funny!!!
No Orp eating silkies allowed!!!!


hahahaha me an debbie still love our monster orps lol.maybe one day we will get a silkie for our orps to eat lol.they are nice to hold very soft an calm.
Hi to CT peeps!
My 1st year too - and enjoying every minute.
My beautiful Bonnie started laying last month, we officially have a dozen eggs from her

The 1st two we blew out and are going to decorate them for the christmas tree (the blowing out was not easy!)
Her personality totally changed after she started to lay. She was nice to begin with, a bit more skittish than the Buff we've had for a while longer, but now she is 100% into getting petted (and of course does the squat thing). She found her purpose in life (laying eggs) and she is VERY happy with it. Our Buff sits right next to her while laying to keep her company (or maybe she's taking notes for future use!).
Here is a recent photo of her, I am so proud of her ~

good luck with yours!

We're getting ready for the cold weather ~ our doors are installed and just need to be completed.
I already have the heated dog bowl in position and ran a wire for it.
Bring on the winter!
just walked out of my bedroom an there is a 1000lb cow looking in my dinning room window lol.i hearded all 4 of them into my back field an called the farmer to come get them lol i love living in the people deal with murders an robbery's i deal with cows lol

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