
her name is Cheyenne Maggart, she has different color silkies, she shows her whites and had this white chick up there and we fell in love, she's one of my facebook friends, i was surprised my husband bought them cause the total when i added them all up. at first he told me he wasnt spending this much money then went behind my back and bought them hehe. i guess im spoiled. now to help you out with posting pics. if you look up at the top you'll see uploads inbetween recent post and messages, click on that, a new screen will pop up, click on browse, then go to the pic you want to share, click on that and then click open, the url will go into that space then click submit, when its finished right click on the "image" url and hit copy, then go to your message screen on here like your posting a message and right click and hit space, that url that you pasted will show up as a picture when you submit your post. i hope this long message helps, and i agree beth does have nice silkies from what i've seen. i was hoping my husband was gonna let me get one from her when she had him up for auction but he said he looks like he got puked on(it was a partridge) i had to disagree with him. i love pam's splashes. they're pretty. ok now im done typing on here lol
i just learned how to do this quote button on here! i don know how to do it till last night when beth g. showed me at her house. i dont knwo if i supose to put the writing on the top or bottom. blkpoodle your silkies are very pretty and nice. who did you buy them from in TN? i love the splash one! i bought paint silkies and got them today but have no clue how to load a picture! if i were with some one wo did i woudl beacuse they are so fluffy and cute. i also got one black and one white pullet too. i bought mine for a very really nice breeder here on byc. she explained everything to me in a private message about how to pick out the right bird and she can even tell on some what the sex is by the picture!!! if she posts more birds and my ole husband lets me buy more i will definitely buy from her again or if beth g. decides to sell her show quailty birds i want some of hers. oh my in person they are so pretty and fluffy and sweet. you can sit in the coop with them and pick them up and they just relax and are so beautiful. i hope mine turn out like hers when they fill in! gooed luck with yours if you ever see birds or eggs for sale from batcavesilkies that is the person i bought mine from and she really is great!
If there is anyone in CT that is looking for pullets, I may sell some of mine so that I can narrow down my breeds and make room for more Silkies. They are 17 weeks old now. Were vaccinated for Marek's at hatch. They came from Meyer Hatchery and I have NPIP certificates for them. All are healthy and beautiful. Send me a PM or email if interested. Pick up only. I will not ship.
Wow very busy last night CT Peeps!!!


Rudy Rooster!!

Loretta212 I do sell hatching eggs feel free to contact me in the spring when you are ready and congrats on getting the DH to build you an incubator
Oh also, Jimmythechicken (littleblue his daughter) and Pam B both sell hatching eggs in CT TOO! They are both great breeders and have beautiful birds. I think Jimmy may work in your area too where maybe he can meet up with you so you don't have to drive to far
And, I'm pretty sure Pam ships if she is too far for you. Hope this is helpful

New Chick 203 & Bellablue thank you for all the nice compliments!!! And for both of your helping me with my chicky venture

So is everyone ready for the big drops in temps? My little Juvies were chilly this am when I let them out in the forage pen. They all ran out like usual then realized it was cold and found the one sunny spot up against the barn and huddled there! It was kinda cute. Waterers didn't freeze so its not that cold yet but, I have to admit I got a chill not ready for this morning doing cleaning, feeder toping and water exchanging.
Oh no did you get bit by the silkie bug too?? lol I swear as soon as peeps see the little fluff balls live in person they start to think about downsizing big girls and upsizing the fuzzy buttz
(can't say I blame them)
Beth, I've had the Silkie bug even BEFORE I got mine! Once I saw them in person, I wanted more!!! Hubby better get out there and finish the coop!!!
I am envisioning Janetta crackin the whip and saying in a flustered voice "Finish ma Coop or or I will buy more" anyday now

just kidding about the whole skit thing but, seriously I can't wait for your DH to finish your coop so I can come visit and see your set up

Then when you have all that SPACE available maybe I can help you fill it and pretend to buy more silkies online with ya
Nothing better than the feeling of winning a nice one on here.

I'm nutz I know.

i need more silkies lol
Beth G. :

I am envisioning Janetta crackin the whip and saying in a flustered voice "Finish ma Coop or or I will buy more" anyday now

just kidding about the whole skit thing but, seriously I can't wait for your DH to finish your coop so I can come visit and see your set up

Then when you have all that SPACE available maybe I can help you fill it and pretend to buy more silkies online with ya
Nothing better than the feeling of winning a nice one on here.

I'm nutz I know.

Hey you need more I'll play the pretend game with your bids too
hahahha I'm supposed to take a ride to Bellablues house this weekend to see her new bunch. I think she got 7? She said she got a nice Black one and wants me to help show her how to upload pictures. I see you tried to explain so maybe she will figure it out before I get there. I did take the for her in her Avatar when she first got started

i just need to talk dan into letting me
he hates the high shipping cost but that's really how much it is lol i'm hoping to find some nice ones at the show in january too hehe. but i really liked the lavender pullet up for auction
Beth G. :

Hey you need more I'll play the pretend game with your bids too
hahahha I'm supposed to take a ride to Bellablues house this weekend to see her new bunch. I think she got 7? She said she got a nice Black one and wants me to help show her how to upload pictures. I see you tried to explain so maybe she will figure it out before I get there. I did take the for her in her Avatar when she first got started


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