
One of the eggs was definitely from one of my lav orpington, The Bea, she has been a trooper all winter and only had a 3 day period where she didn't lay this winter.

The second is from Mia my SLW, she has been pretty steady this winter also with just little breaks here and there.

This third egg I *think* might be from Wallace my other SLW, since it is the same color as the other. Though I'm not certain.

I keep waiting for the day when I get 8 eggs for all 8 of my birds and I can sort out the remaining who's who (maybe).

Now my buff orpington Whipped Cream? She has been on sabbatical since some time in September I think...been so long since she has given me an egg. She is the queen so I guess she can do what she likes.
My girls love hot oatmeal on a cold morning!

I am intrigued and wonder if I should give my girls some...Do you feed them cooked oatmeal? Do their beaks get all cruddy?
I gave my girls hot oatmeal today with a few raisins thrown in.

The gobbled it up in seconds flat.

Their beaks do get a bit oaty while they are eating, but I have never noticed it to be a problem. They seem to get it off eventually.
I put oatmeal, flax meal and a little corn meal in a bowl with water and powdered milk and nuke it for a minute. i make sure it's not too hot when I bring it out. I make it on the soft milky side so it's not too cementy if it gets on them. They are sooooo happy.

I am intrigued and wonder if I should give my girls some...Do you feed them cooked oatmeal? Do their beaks get all cruddy?
Hey, I know there is someone out there (Beth perhaps...) who can educate me on this. I saw a listing for some English Orpingtons. They were Lemon cuckoo. I get the cuckoo part, but what's the difference between Lemon and Buff. In pictures it's hard to see the difference.
Hi, Lemon cuckoo's are Barred Buff birds. They are kinda new to the market and because they are in their early stages the Boys are very barred and the girls appear to just be kinda smutty looking more like a plane buff. But, when breed for a few generations the barring gets better. Hope this helps!!

Hey, I know there is someone out there (Beth perhaps...) who can educate me on this. I saw a listing for some English Orpingtons. They were Lemon cuckoo. I get the cuckoo part, but what's the difference between Lemon and Buff. In pictures it's hard to see the difference.
Interesting. In someone's for sale ad they said their birds were real lemon not buff. Hmmm.
Hi, Lemon cuckoo's are Barred Buff birds. They are kinda new to the market and because they are in their early stages the Boys are very barred and the girls appear to just be kinda smutty looking more like a plane buff. But, when breed for a few generations the barring gets better. Hope this helps!!

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