
x2. But I need one that is not electric-powered. We don't have power way out back, where the coop is, so I guess I'd need a battery-powered water heater.
I know some people use those black rubber water troughs. Being black helps keep it warmer and they don't break. But you still need to keep up with the frozen water thing.
x2. But I need one that is not electric-powered. We don't have power way out back, where the coop is, so I guess I'd need a battery-powered water heater.

I've got a really really long outdoor extension cord. The plastic heated waterers online seem like they would be hard to fill or they'd crack. I'm leaning toward the water bowls, like for a dog.
Hi from Colchester, Connecticut. We are beginners, have two grown hens, one rooster and two baby chicks. Hoping to expand our flock. If anyone around the area is selling any young chickens let us know.
Hi everyone, We usually let our hens in their coop before dark. On thanksgiving we were running late and didn't get home till after dark. We had two bantam barred rocks two bantam partridge Cochins and twin bantam Rhode island reds, all lost without a trace. We were all devastated, especially our 2 1/2 year old son. these were the tamest hens you'll ever meet and I think that is why I maybe shouldn't of let them out :-( . We live on the border of Prospect and Waterbury and are looking for any bantam hens for sale. Even if only a couple to keep the family happy until I can get some early next spring. please anything is appreciated and will gladly pay any reasonable amount. Thank you very much, Jay ,Chris ,& Ethan :)
Would anyone from CT like a free rooster only if they swear to take good care of him? He is my favorite rooster but I need to downsize my coop abit and my dad wants me to get rid of him..
He is 1 year old, a Naked Neck roo, great with children, wont peck you or rip your face off, alittle shy but he'll let you pet him, and great with hens he dosnt force hens to do the nasty.

Sorry for the short notice but he needs to go by this Monday or I have to take him to the auction. I live in North Branford, it's about 15 mins from New Haven. PM me.

Here's a pic of him..

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can't remember if I signed into this thread, but I'm in Old Lyme..Have 9 girls that are 28 weeks old today. I have 2 australorps, 2 buff orps, 1 columbian wyandotte, 2 speckled sussex, and 2 silver wyandottes.A couple are laying , the majority aren't , I figure it's the shorter days..

My gorgeous barn was basically smashed during Sandy, altho the chicken part was not, (I think because it has a loft in that part)..Anyway, will be rebuilding probably not until spring, so in a way, I'm happy that I can redo the chicken area 'better' than it is and more room for the girls. Here are a few before and after pics of my dutch barn..My husband chainsawed his way into the girls coop (double doors on left side in run) and got them allout..They were so scared the first night, but then loved living in my dining room for 3 days:))) (tarped floor, big dog crate with xpen)

This is what we ended up with for a temporary solution:)

And thank goodness my homeowners cut me a check for a new shed and enough to refurbish it , tho I can
salvage alot from this one:)

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