
One of my 2 3month old Ameraucana chicks was killed yesterday by one of my 6 month old pullets after being slowly introduced and having no issues for several days after leaving them together 24/7. Now I have the surviving chick back in the house alone. I'm not sure what to do. Doesn't she need a companion?
so sorry.
Sometimes chickens can be a mystery. Our vet told us that sometimes chickens turning suddenly can mean that they know one is sick. We had a bird go from top to bottom of the pecking order and inside of a week it died from an undetected infection.

good luck
so sorry.:hugs Sometimes chickens can be a mystery. ​Our vet told us that sometimes chickens turning suddenly can mean that they know one is sick. We had a bird go from top to bottom of the pecking order and inside of a week it died from an undetected infection.

good luck

That's interesting. I didn't know that. I have my little lonely chick in a crate in the house. I figured I would put her back out into a larger crate inside the coop once the storm is over. I don't want her to freeze without her little friend. She seems to be ok in the house. A little lonely but she doesn't cry too much. I put the radio on low for her when we leave for the day. I also have a swifter duster "friend" for her to cuddle up to. I wish I had another little chick to pair her up with.
Can't say that I have had only one chick, we usually have several at a time. But I do love hearing about how sweet you are with the one you got. Sounds like me. I like to pamper them and my husband thinks I am nuts.
A question for all of you with turkeys/peafowl, especially those who run them with or near blackhead a concern in Connecticut? (Our cooler climate allows us to escape some diseases and parasites, such as canine heartworm, which is essentially unheard of this far north, I have recently read. Random, I know.) Anyone ever dealt with blackhead up here?
We lost an Araucana a few evenings ago. She wasn't even a year old yet. Seems to us she was egg bound but she was moving around the night before and didn't show signs of distress. Our Australorp is recovering from bumblefoot surgery and she looks pale and sleepy. I hope that she makes it. She is in her cage so our rooster and other girls dont bother her. Raising chickens can be a mystery.
We lost an Araucana a few evenings ago. She wasn't even a year old yet. Seems to us she was egg bound but she was moving around the night before and didn't show signs of distress. Our Australorp is recovering from bumblefoot surgery and she looks pale and sleepy. I hope that she makes it. She is in her cage so our rooster and other girls dont bother her. Raising chickens can be a mystery.

Yes they can definitely be a mystery,perfectly healthy one day and dead the next,that's what happened last week with my blue orp roo 9months old and no sign of illness and gone the next day and the rest our fine so you never can tell it can be something genetic or internal who knows! I'm sorry to hear about your hen it's hard sometimes when you've put time and money and raised them from day one.
We lost an Araucana a few evenings ago. She wasn't even a year old yet. Seems to us she was egg bound but she was moving around the night before and didn't show signs of distress. Our Australorp is recovering from bumblefoot surgery and she looks pale and sleepy. I hope that she makes it. She is in her cage so our rooster and other girls dont bother her. Raising chickens can be a mystery.

I'm sorry do your loss. I hope your Australorp recovers quickly!
I have three wheaten/blue wheaten week-old chicks that I'm offering for sale if anyone is interested. $5 each. They'd be suitable for a backyard flock. They just have slight chipmunk markings on their down, but when they feather out they'll look like all the other other wheaten/blue wheaten chicks I have. PM me if interested.
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It really is genetics sometimes. The first batch of chicks I got, 3 out of 4 died from infections the first year in spite of being treated by a vet. They were lovely birds but with no immune system. The vet thought it was definitely a genetic problem.

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