
Hi all,
I'm in that lovely spot of needing to make an attempt at rehoming. Anyone in need of a Partridge Rock rooster? He's listed here, though I still need to add pictures:

Just wanted to get this out there for the weekend viewing as we have to make a decision soon. My sister and I both got hatchery chicks at the same time last year, and this was our accidental boy she was kind enough to take in. Unfortunately 2 roos is too many in her little flock. We can't keep him here with our silkies as he'd crush them. They're looking at possibly making him dinner, but this would be the first butchering experience so we'd rather avoid it if possible. He's only been exposed to my hatchery hens and hers - neither property has been used for chickens in the past. Marek's vaccine and all.

Long shot I know - wrong season to be advertising a rooster!

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This one does have boy potential... watch the wattle

I don't have a single one of any breed with a wattle (other than I can see where they will develop) and no combs are turning red so maybe I'm in luck. Have been reading the "sexing" threads on here today on my breeds and still confused on some (like they say the pullets of Buffs get tail feathers first, but when going by shape the one of mine who got the tail last looks like a pullet). Time will tell!
I'm having way more ticks than usual.. I'm wondering if it's going to be a bad tick year. Anyone else having lots & lots of ticks? Doesn't help that I live in the woods!

Yes, lots of ticks here in Guilford. I've found three on me, and had two bites. Luckily no Lyme (had them tested), but it seems like a bad tick year. I keep giving the flock a tick-eating pep talk. Hope it works.
Yes, lots of ticks here in Guilford. I've found three on me, and had two bites. Luckily no Lyme (had them tested), but it seems like a bad tick year. I keep giving the flock a tick-eating pep talk. Hope it works.

I've been pulling off about 5 a day here... ugh. I don't think any have actually bitten me yet, but hopefully I haven't missed any tiny ones! Glad yours had no lyme disease. I'm so afraid of catching it, I know quite a few people who have had it.
My two "peeps" outside the garden--keeping away from the "big girls". I have to post some pictures of them.

The black one was left here by a kid in the neighborhood a couple of weeks ago (who knew I'd had chickens before), after it was seen being chased by a cat (I'm told).
When we went to buy some chick feed (after a couple of days of wet layer feed --all we had), my boyfriend decided it needs a friend (and if someone answered our "found" ad, they'd have to take both.) {Chicken Math strikes again} So we got the "Ameracauna" (I know, it came from a hatchery, so it is really an Easter Egger) at the feed store, and saw that our black peep looks just like the remaining Black Australorps from Chick Day, size&color-wise.
No one has claimed her, so she's staying! Now we have to figure out names for 'em both.
My two "peeps" outside the garden--keeping away from the "big girls". I have to post some pictures of them.

The black one was left here by a kid in the neighborhood a couple of weeks ago (who knew I'd had chickens before), after it was seen being chased by a cat (I'm told).
When we went to buy some chick feed (after a couple of days of wet layer feed --all we had), my boyfriend decided it needs a friend (and if someone answered our "found" ad, they'd have to take both.) {Chicken Math strikes again} So we got the "Ameracauna" (I know, it came from a hatchery, so it is really an Easter Egger) at the feed store, and saw that our black peep looks just like the remaining Black Australorps from Chick Day, size&color-wise.
No one has claimed her, so she's staying! Now we have to figure out names for 'em both.

Adorable... lucky you. I moved my little ones out yesterday but still to young to mingle... I have a small staging pen for when they transition... my half orp was eyeing them all day... I so wanted to see if she would take over and mother them but around here free ranging can be a dangerous business so in the pen they stayed.
Hi. I'm in Bristol. I have 4 chickens, I want to say pullets, but I think that my Buff Orpington might be a roo. I've been reading countless "sexing" threads and still can't tell. She (he?) is about 11 weeks old now and has a very definite (big - I think compared to others this age) comb and waddle and little spur bumps. S(he) is the first one to charge out of the pen in the morning and is very sweet. I also have a Speckled Sussex, Gold Laced Wyandotte and Rhode Island Red I'm positive are pullets. I love them all. I'm really hoping the buff isn't a roo, because we can't have them. I have read that it's really hard to re-home them. Does anyone have any suggestions on where my possible rooster could go without becoming someone's dinner?

Here are some pictures of my crew:

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I think that buff is a roo too!! Hes beautiful.......I hope EVERYONE is enjoying this AWESOME weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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