
Thank you
Our chicks arrived yesterday so we're now officially chicken owners & I wanted to share a few pics...

They're here! So giddy!!!
2 ea: Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Australorp & Dominique

settled in - I was nervous about the feed (homemade, *have* to avoid gluten, corn & soy), but they've been happily eating away. I dropped in some violet flowers this morning & they were chasing each other around - silly chicks didn't notice I was fair and brought one flower for each of them with their morning greens.

Our GoldenDoodle is not sure what to make of this development

"I'll name this one Chevron!" (Rhode Island Red that has a little chevron on the top of its head)

What fun. Congratulations on becoming chicken owners... they are addictive.
I have 25 "pullets" but I think some may not be - they are only 5-6 weeks old right now though.   I have Barred Rock, Ameraucana, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Speckled Sussex and Buff Orpington (plus 3 Red Sex Links which are the only ones I know for sure are girls!) 
. Hi just saw your post haven't been on in awhile,do you have any barred rock roo's left,if so how old.Can you pm me if you do thanks mike.
I have 4 barred rocks that are supposed to be pullets but I'm not sure they are. They're about a month old. I read something online about roo's having big yellow spots on their heads as chicks - 2 have big spots and 2 have small spots. The spots are starting to fade but the ones with the smaller spots have bigger tails.

I have others breeds that some of the same age/breed have bigger tails than the others. The rest are 5-6 weeks old. They're all supposed to be pullets. We got them from Benedict's last month.

I have 4 barred rocks that are supposed to be pullets but I'm not sure they are. They're about a month old. I read something online about roo's having big yellow spots on their heads as chicks - 2 have big spots and 2 have small spots. The spots are starting to fade but the ones with the smaller spots have bigger tails.

I have others breeds that some of the same age/breed have bigger tails than the others. The rest are 5-6 weeks old. They're all supposed to be pullets. We got them from Benedict's last month.


Yes... the barring gene is sex linked... it is located on the z chromosone so with barred rocks the roo actually has two copies of the barring gene while the hen only has one. This is why with the chicks the males will actually have more white on their heads then the females. Post pictures and some of the more experienced chicken people will be able to tell you what you have... it does sound like there is a very good possibility that you have two girls and two boys. Make sure you take pictures form above so the amount of white on the top of their heads is easy to see.


(e.g., humans, cows, etc.)
Male = XY
Female = XX
Males determine the sex of the offspring


(Including poultry)
Male = ZZ
Female = ZW
Females determine the sex of the offspring​
I've read on line people swearing up and down that they could tell boys from girls because all boy chicks had a colored spot on their head. It turned out that the hatchery they used just marked the boys with ink.

Boys/girls for the barred rocks (and any of the others)? Hoping the Buff pictured is a girl - she's the most friendly of them all and my favorite.

I have 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte - in the picture with the Buff. One is lighter than the other two. Do males of this breed have more white? This one also has a shorter tail than the other 2.

Boys/girls for the barred rocks (and any of the others)? Hoping the Buff pictured is a girl - she's the most friendly of them all and my favorite.

I have 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte - in the picture with the Buff. One is lighter than the other two. Do males of this breed have more white? This one also has a shorter tail than the other 2.

Don't know about the other birds but yours are past the head spot stage... at this age you look for overall coloring... boys will be lighter over all... looks like all pullets to me.

Here's some 5 week old barred rocks posted on another thread... boy on top... "The males sprout little red wattles and combs at 5 weeks, and sport big, bold white barring. The pullets' combs remain yellow, no wattles and the barring on the hatchery females is typically quite cuckoo in type."


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