
Hey! There are connecticutians here! Hi all, I'm in Sandy Hook. Anyone wanna spare me an extra hen or two to have a nice healthy group for the winter? I have one barred rock/easter egger hen (6 mos), and one little millie fleur dutch bantam rooster. New coop is complete! Just need to fill it up! Don't really want pullets though, the hen is a bit of a bully. Really looking for a black orphington or RIR or a Maran..
I'm in SH too. 6 hens, none laying yet
All is well, and I can identify with things not going quite smoothly. One summer afternoon a very small possum got into the basement. The night pen is in a part of the basement. The electricity was out - remember Irene? Some time after dark, the ducks made an odd sound. I went down to investigate, flashlight in hand. It took a while, but I located the possum - our faces were about six inches from each other. We were both startled!

It dove into a box, I tossed a net over the box and we took it outside and released it. I no longer intentionally leave both the inner and outer shelter doors open, I will at least close the screen-storm door. But I still lose track every now and then.

Hawks have come around, and though the books indicate adult ducks are not at much risk, I have read too many hawk stories here to feel at all comfortable. At least the crows warn us many times.
I'm in SH too. 6 hens, none laying yet

Hello! Have you got yours in a run or free range? We have had many predators around, we rebuilt our coop to prevent any more loss. This is my first winter with chickens so not sure if the cold makes the coyotes/fox/raccoon etc. braver?

Are you going to give them any light over the winter to encouragege laying?
Hello! Have you got yours in a run or free range? We have had many predators around, we rebuilt our coop to prevent any more loss. This is my first winter with chickens so not sure if the cold makes the coyotes/fox/raccoon etc. braver?

Are you going to give them any light over the winter to encouragege laying?

Mine are free ranging and on a grain free supplemental feed (free choice). We do have a lot of predators and our property backs up to a large farm field (hay) so it makes me nervous, and I'm sure I'll lose one eventually, but I lost one in the run anyway so figured I might as well let them roam free.

I won't be lighting or heating the coop - as much as I want those elusive eggs. This is my first year with chickens too, so we'll see what happens.
I have been talking to the folks at lsb in bethany about some chicken programs/swaps
What are you guys interested in? Also if I were to hatch out some buckeyes and buff brahmas any interest? My Barnevelders arent laying yet. I am going down to little dixie this weekend and my friend chad is selling some young barnies if anyone wants some I could transport. Pm me on little dixie happy to help

Hey that sounds like a plan maybe we could do some swapping,but not till spring only a few laying now but I plan on breeding BR's and blue orp's.I have light and buff brahmas but would like some buckeyes and barnvelders,what town are you in by the way.
Im in woodbridge lsb in bethany on route 63 pretty nice place large area for swaps
Ps i have bantam buckeyes too all buckeyes laying Barnies havent started yet
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