
Hey! There are connecticutians here! Hi all, I'm in Sandy Hook. Anyone wanna spare me an extra hen or two to have a nice healthy group for the winter? I have one barred rock/easter egger hen (6 mos), and one little millie fleur dutch bantam rooster. New coop is complete! Just need to fill it up! Don't really want pullets though, the hen is a bit of a bully. Really looking for a black orphington or RIR or a Maran..
I second CL. There are often chickens listed for free and for sale, but they go fast! And it may be a bit late, but people often try to downsize their flocks for the winter.
I have been talking to the folks at lsb in bethany about some chicken programs/swaps
What are you guys interested in? Also if I were to hatch out some buckeyes and buff brahmas any interest? My Barnevelders arent laying yet. I am going down to little dixie this weekend and my friend chad is selling some young barnies if anyone wants some I could transport. Pm me on little dixie happy to help
If you want to search multiple areas of CT on CL simultaneously (we are a small state!), I recommend You can search the "Farm" and "Free" categories at the same time, as well. And don't forget to check "Pets."
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