
I just started experimenting with this, found the worms I think are the right kind in our compost pile, so I am in the "we shall see if and how it works" stage.

Glad to read you want to get started with this.
Oh yes, the tarp is definitely clear, like a window - it's installed and we're luvin' it.

There are different choices on and there is a type that has string running through it, but we chose the crystal clear ... it's beautiful and super thick. We had 2 thick plexiglass panels sitting around for a couple of years that we incorporated into the design as a permanent windbreak area on the bottom of it and we are happy with the results. The angled tarped run wall was done yesterday but the 20 degree bitter wind today stopped us from finishing the other roof side, so no final photo yet. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Hello CT members:
are any of you using heaters in your coops? if yes what kind, any information would be greatly appreciated!
I never used any heaters during any winter.. Key is don't have much draft going into the coop at night, it's not so much how cold gets, it's the wind that kills chickens during nights. Also pick a good cold hardy bird helps a lot also.
It's my first winter with chickens....6 red sex links. I have a 60 watt bulb that comes on at 3am but no heater.
I asked this same question some time ago. No, I don't believe you will find bulk feed wheat in CT. I ended up ordering a 50 lb bag from countryside organics $22 a bag BUT shipping to me (and probably for most of you) is $19.80. So that puts it at about 84 cents a pound. I haven't started to sprout it. Been working off my last bag of oats (not organic). Oats take rather a long time to sprout and probably require more rinsing.

I've also started sprouting their sunflower seeds. I can't let mine free range. Really wish I could because I think the extra physical exercise is good for egg production. My egg production right now is LOW.
Not sure if they have what you're looking for, I just discovered them online the other day, but the Central Connecticut Co-op / Farmer's Association ( appears to have a mill that operates Monday-Friday.

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