
I'll pop on my thinking cap and see if I can come up with a chicken powered solution for you. I have the weekend off, plenty of time to ponder the problem. I'll get back to you if my lightbulb goes on.
Hmmm... I can make dinners (I'm a really good cook) for you in exchange for Silkie chicks. If my coop isn't finished, I can tell the hubby I am going to release the chickens in his indoor range so that the brooder will be available. Bwaaahaahaahaahaa......
I was told to have light on at 5 am and off at 9 am and then back on at 4 pm and off at 9 pm. Of course, if my coop were finished (can you tell this is an ongoing issue for me?) I would be able to test it out!!!
Thanks for the offer on the cooking
. We have plenty of food just no time or desire to cook

Wild eyed

The hours of light the need are 14-16 for optimal laying. Its best for them to have light applied in the morning. I do not light the coop up after dark bc they know its dark outside when they go in. But, its easier to apply light in the wee hours of the morning when their locked in. I'm not fond of using lights in fall or on young ones but that just my opinion from experience.
I have let my girls out for a little while, as soon as wetness starts falling I am locking them back up. Hey wrangling 5 chickens shouldn't be too bad with some extra treats. I am thinking a warm bowl of oatmeal will do the trick.
Beth G. :

the boys and girls are made at me this morning. I have them in lockdown so they can't get wet with the cold nasty weather coming. If looks could kill I'd been dead 100x over!!
well, it's starting to snow pretty good here in south west CT. let's hope it's not as bad as they say. We still have some trees with leaves.

I'm not worrying about my broody keeping her babies warm enough any more. We put a thermostat in with them yesterday so we could check on them. This morning the remote read 97° and I rushed out to see if something was wrong to find the thermostat had fallen down and Bobby was sitting on it with her chicks. Who knew a mama chicken could generate that kind of heat?
Mine are out. Most of my runs are covered though, so that helps keep them dry. In the run that is not covered, they usually stay under the coop (it is raised about 4 feet) but they always end up wet somehow. Haha. I think they'll be inside for the night before the snow falls. It is lightly raining now, but nothing too bad at all.

I was up so darn early today, but it isn't even noon yet and I already went grocery shopping, rented a couple movies for tonight, got some D&D coffee, did my homework, cleaned a little, and took my first test since I started college again (got a 115% because I got 100% plus 15 extra credit points). I feel like it has been a good day so far so I'm not going to let this stupid snow get me down!!

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