
You are all too funny.

Beth, can't wait to have drinks with you the night before the show!!!!! Is that next weekend already?! Oh, and that is A LOT of coffee!!

I think splitting the paint order is a great idea! Let's get some this week and split the eggs up at the show! (oh, did I mention that once I have a glass of wine, I can pretty much be talked into anything??
Yeah its a week away
and only one little drink for me.
my liver can't handle it unfortunatley
But, we can do virgin drinks too for me and the real stuff for you

I just asked my husband about splitting the eggs now and he said wait till spring. I tried

Ok, in the spring...let's do that! maybe you should plan on driving me home??? Haha...only joking.

Beth G. :

Yeah its a week away
and only one little drink for me.
my liver can't handle it unfortunatley
But, we can do virgin drinks too for me and the real stuff for you

I just asked my husband about splitting the eggs now and he said wait till spring. I tried

wow go away for a few to take a nice hot bath and your all talking up a storm. and pam i totally cant wait! me myself are paying for my silkies cause i got me a job hehe. need a break from hubby and baby
i guess so haha i usually dont take baths but it was so worth it. it felt so good lol. i wish i was able to go to the show. but i'll be playing with my new chickies hehe. rudy will be happy he'll have more to his flock, mo will be like what man. no one like mo, they all like rudy
No, I will be good...I'll get myself home. I have to do some research this week on a good place to meet half way. I'm only about 30 minutes from the show, so we can find a place 15 minutes from both of us.

Ashley, it is nice to have some time away...a job is a good thing.

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