
jen, it's so hard to be patient in Spring. It totally depends on when things are coming up, and this year it's going to be early. Check out my page on chickens and gardens below.
Thanks Jill, I was looking at it earlier-great page :) I hadn't planned on having a day off today, but it happened and I'm sitting here too cold to go out and play (I have a big area I need to clear of wild roses, raspberry bushes, barberries, and woody vines so I can have a veggie garden this spring). Instead I'm in a 'why isn't spring here yet' funk. Planning my veggie garden and ordering some asparagus crowns :) Maybe I can talk hubby in to going to the CT Garden Show next weekend ...despite it being his birthday weekend!
nothing like a flower show to get you in that Springy place. It's too bad they don't do the big Boston one any more, that was the best. I think RI is this weekend too and thats usually pretty good.
Well, Phylis did it again! We let "Her Esteemed Broodiness" have a half dozen eggs to hatch. Egg # 1 is hatching today. We moved Phylis and her eggs out of the coop and set her up in the barn with a heat lamp. I got pecked and scolded a few times in the process. Now we'll see what happens........
Wow, I was just outside and the skunk cabbage is coming up, some small bulbs are blooming and the magnolia looks like it's going to bloom. Would somebody tell my garden it's February!
Newest member of the flock! Broke out of the shell during the night and was all fluffed up and eating this morning. Phyllis is still sitting on 5 eggs, one of which has a little beak sticking out of it. None of the eggs are from Phyllis, but she is a very good mom anyway.


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