Considering adding bantams to existing flock


Aug 14, 2020
SE Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all,

I have a chance to purchase a breeding pair of Golden Neck D'Uccle bantams from a local farm. They were hatched Spring 2020, same as my existing flock of 6 standard breed hens. Would it be okay to just put them together, since they are young? Or how should I go about this? I only have one coop (second one being build Oct 2). Typically my hens free range, but I am keeping them in their coop/run for the next week or so to A. protect a food plot we just planted and B. see if I can find their eggs, because I think at least one may be laying...

Thanks for your advice
I got my bantams as chicks, so they were separated for several months before I added them to the flock.
Yes, I would advice quarantining new flock members for at least thirty days, just to be sure they won't give any diseases to your flock.
Watch them closely in those thirty days for signs of sickness.
If they have something, try to find out what it is and treat it.
@-7-6- @JacinLarkwell I don't have a separate quarantine coop yet, so I guess here are my options:

1. Ask breeder if they could hold chickens until October 4th or so when my new coop is ready so old one becomes quarantine coop.
2. Quarantine bantams in a large bunny cage in my garage. This was a cage I used for my pullets when they outgrew the brooder box but were not ready to be outside.

Do you know if that farm ships hatching eggs? I've been looking everywhere for these birds and only found an out of date sale page

Are you looking for show-quality birds? I don't think she is a breeder, but I can certainly ask her. I am picking up a breeding pair - they are ~1 year old.

I believe you have to be NPIP certified to ship eggs, or I would say I could ship you some. . .

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