Consolidated Kansas

WAIT...did you say *again?* Our blizzard from Christmas never left for a second and only softened enough for one day to get really snotty and get a bunch of folks stuck (it was still 10" deep).

I still stand by it: if it has to be cold, it may as well be white...

(prepare for intense, screechy whining)

...but WHY, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY does it have to be so stabby cold?? Whyohwhy????

still 10" deep?????

christmas day we decided to drive down the road and help my mother-in-law get her driveway cleaned up before everyone arrived to exchange gifts and i plowed straight into a drift that came over the hood of my truck! I swear that thing had to have been at least 4 feet tall....didn't think it was that big or i woulda hit the brakes instead of the gas...."luckily" we had shovels since we were heading to remove snow anyway....unfortunately, it was so windy that it still took an hour to get unstuck.

lesson learned....there's no reason to leave the house during a blizzard if you already have beer in the fridge!

Well, it was 10" deep with a ruler after a day of melting. We had the 4' drifts here, too, and the whole town acted like it was a nuclear Winter to hear the way they carried on!

I think our official snowfall was 14" Christmas and the next day, then another 4", and 3" yesterday and today. It's not the end of the world, but I swear everyone here is acting like it hasn't ever snowed this much before.

I did get stuck, but it's because I drive a low-slung Grandma car and think I'm still a Jeep owner...I never remember it's not always the driver but sometimes the car that makes the difference!

I have a knee-high path to the back coops and have lost my balance a few times and tipped over while carrying too much Rachel Ray style...that looks funny!!
Sooooooo, despite leaving my tap dripping, my pipes have frozen. No water in the house. Closest water is the spigot up the drive, and I hurt my back, and the ground is covered in snow that I have no way to shovel. I am gathering buckets of snow and melting them on my treadmill, in front of my heater. But hey, at least I HAVE the snow to melt. Guess I should be grateful. Just would really like to take a shower and wash my hair. I don't mind winter, but this SUCKS!!!!!!!
sorry about your pipes this cold is just getting ridiculous I really can't stand much more hope things get better
I'm saying a prayer you haven't any cracks or breaks!

Are we all just going to be delirious Wednesday?? I think we're supposed to hit 45* in Lawrence. I am in the middle of building another coop out on the farm property, but in the meantime, I have 6 REALLY LOUD roos crowing in my backyard that I'm not supposed to have in the city!! These are breeders I thought I'd have out in the country by now...but the weather ha been so yucky!

I just know I've got no time at all- someone's going to throw a fit, and if they find out how many birds I have (and how many are roos!! Oy!) I'm in deep!!!

At least we are going to get a few days of nice weather- I was ready o knaw a foot off to get free of the cold!

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