Consolidated Kansas

Maidenwolf what kind of alcohol do you use in your tinctures? I know my ex BIL who is a german doctor uses tinctures for everything and they all smell really strong in alcohol.
I would use the tincture on the birds because you want to drop it in their nostrils. Then you could use a healing tea for them to drink. If they don't improve or go downhill fast then I would use the antibiotics.
I use 100 proof good quality vodka. It is pretty strong, you can also add the tincture to a tea or juice if the taste is too strong. I will have to wait to get more vodka to make a tincture or see what I have already that may work. I may mix some camphor and lavender essential oil up and drop that in the nostril. I have a tea brewing for them now.
So I had nosticed my EE's like to go out in the tall weeds behind the coop and sometimes makes TONS of racket. I was investigating and stepped on a nest of 7 EE eggs.. It only cracked them and all looked good so I am cooking them for the birds. I think there is one more out there so I am going to go search. Any tips on getting them to lay in the coop?
Oh also.. On the sick chickens the eyes are swollen and have bubbles coming out, what does that mean? The mucus coming out of teh nose it not clear it is thick and alittle off creamy looking. My poor birds it seems every day there is another with these symptoms. Anybody have any advice?
Here we go again:


Two years of this.... Praying for some much needed rainy, muddy, soggy days!
Here we go again:


Two years of this.... Praying for some much needed rainy, muddy, soggy days!
I just came in from doing chores and one of those chores was watering the bamboo. The ground is so dry and I sure don't want to lose it. The ground soaks up the water as fast as it comes out of the hose.
If you lose one, I would strongly recommend having a necropsy done at KState. It sounds ugly and like a number of particularly nasty respiratory diseases that plague chickens.

Oh also.. On the sick chickens the eyes are swollen and have bubbles coming out, what does that mean? The mucus coming out of teh nose it not clear it is thick and alittle off creamy looking. My poor birds it seems every day there is another with these symptoms. Anybody have any advice?
maidenwolf if their eyes are swollen and their snot isn't clear, you need to get some antibiotics going on them now. Go ahead and treat with the camphor or what have you cause it will help the symptoms. If you are feeding layer rations feed something else cause the calcium in it will keep the duramycin from working. Too bad you don't have any oxine. If you have a warm air vaporizer you can put out there on them and put some herbal remedies in the water that will kill germs I would do that as well.
I have another sick baby today. The end of one of the chick runs in the brooder house was all damp and so I suspect that maybe it was forming some mold. So I had to clean that up and put new bedding in. I have this little guy in here under a vaporizer but I don't think he is going to make it. It wouldn't matter so much cause he is a roo other than he is a perfect pale blue with great barring. Exactly what I am trying to breed into these guys. He was certainly going to be one of my future roosters. Figures. I have lots of black and white rocks that it wouldn't have mattered so much.
It amazes me how fast things can go downhill in the brooder house. I spend more time out there than anywhere but in 24 hours it can go south,
I have those new chicks coming probably in the morning if not the next day so I think I am going to keep them in the house in a bin for at least a week to get going well.
I went out and tried to mount a pole in the middle of my old pheasant pen. I did get it up but it isn't steady or straight. I am sure DH will want to redo it when he sees it. I was trying to get that done and the netting up so I had a place to put my new peacock. I just plain ran out of time. I had to take off for Emporia. So I spent two hours on the road and did nothing but pick up the peacock and come back home....other than a drive through Starbucks for some mocha mint latte.
It was still dark when I got back home and the peacock was in a box I couldn't lift by myself. I had to wait for DH to get home just a little while ago so we could carry the box. I put him in a pen I had set up for the turkeys for now. He has no shelter for the night other than what is left of the cardboard box. He was kind of scared and didn't even come out of the box. He is very pretty though from what I could tell in the dark. I will try to get pictures of him tomorrow if I get the pen done and get him moved. I think he and my newest white peahen will be a perfect breeding pair. He is supposed to be a purple pied. His chest looks more blue to me but it's still beautiful. I can't wait to see him in the daylight. Maybe without so much time pressure I can get the stupid pen finished and the netting up. I just really need a turkey building and a large pen for the midget whites so I can use the other big building just for the peafowl.
The pen I plan to put him in was actually what I planned to use for my lady amhurst pheasants. It's a non stop building process around here for sure.
I got antibiotics to the ones with symptoms and a nice warm herbal medicinal tea in one of the waterers and everyone drank that one first. My sickest roo drank it up, it was nice and warm so it probably felt good. I hope I can kick it fast. I dont have a vaporizer, I wish I did, I have been wanting one for the house. The lavender and camphor really seemed to open up his breathing enough that he was able to eat and drink. I just hate it when they are sick.
Oh I just saw you say something about layer,, I wasnt going to be feeding layer but my DH bought feed for me and got 2 bags of layer. So I have only layer for another week and a half. I have no money to buy other feed and have 100 lbs of it to feed. So treating is a waste of time and money because of this? Now what do I do?
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Keep up with the treatment. Maybe Josie will check in and she can suggest something that might work. Anything is better than nothing. Our good vaporizer just died and we have a crap one I am using for this sick chick. Maybe the herbal stuff will work if the duramycin doesn't but you need to at least try. I believe in herbal remedies more anyway myself.
Do you have any golden seal root? I had pneumonia really bad once and all the antibiotics and steroids wouldn't clear it. I took golden seal root and within a week it was cleared. I had fought it for over 3 months using normal prescriptions. Also if you have any cayenne pepper or garlic they both might help.

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