Consolidated Kansas

Oh Pikeman, I'm soooo sorry. That's just terrible. GRRRR!

Sharol, I'm just fuming over the iPad charges. I didn't even want the iPad. My dh was saving it for out anniversary and when he realized after asking over and over if I wanted one that I was serious when I said I didn't want one he gave it to me so I could take it back. They wouldn't take it back because he purchased it more than 15 days ago. Policy is 15 days for computers, iPads, and cell phones. 30 days for other electronics. Beware all those holding things for Christmas from the Black Friday sales, you can't return them if they don't work if you wait to check them out. I contacted Apple, it's hard to tell what's real money and what's play money while inside of an APP. In the meantime, I changed the password and I changed the settings to prevent it from happening but now I'm still scared to let the kids touch it.

Welcome SandyC, I've heard a lot of people talk about owls and hawks this year. I personally haven't had a predator issue, I think maybe it's the big dog keeping them away. I cringe, I know it's a matter of time. Many years ago I had something come and massacre all of our chickens in one night. I never knew what happened but it was so scary. Since then we redid fences and it's taller now. I worry about my little chicks because their fence isn't as tall. I lock them in their house every night. We found an opossum in the coop once but it didn't hurt any of the chickens when we found him. There's still a bullet hold in the wall. :)

Hi Josie! I'm so glad that everything with your house is working out. Yay!
My coop is about 200 feet from the house, inside the fenced yard. I keep the girls in their secure (well, fairly secure) run when I'm not home. Yesterday I got back from errands and went over and opened the gate. My rooster, Butch, went ballistic. Three of the girls came out a couple of feet into the yard, and he started screaming the "alert" sound and rushing around the others keeping them under the sunshade at the back of the run (where he had had most of them corralled (duh)). Even I could figure out that something is wrong, so I shooed the girls back in the run and closed the gate. When I looked around, there was a HUGE redtail floating back and forth across the pasture that is adjacent to the fenced yard. Good boy, Butch. Thanks again Renee.
Mommahen, I would be fuming over the app charge too. It makes me all the more glad we don't have a data plan and don't have to worry about apps being accidentally downloaded. I've never really figured out what you would do with an iPad. I remember a few years ago when tablets came out and I asked my DH what they are for and he listed all the things you can do on them and it just didn't seem to me like you can do anything on them that you can't do on another device. Honestly, they seem like kind of a waste to me. Too small to be comfortable to use as my main computer, too big to carry around in a pocket or purse. You can't make calls on them, so they can't replace a cell phone. My FIL has one and he likes to view photos on it but to me its a pretty expensive photo-viewer, and I think that's about all he does on it. When it comes down to it, I just don't like touch screens. The phone I've been using for years has both a touch screen and a key pad and I wouldn't want it any other way because touchscreens seem to always quit working at some point. My last phone, the touch screen quit working and I was able to keep using the phone for another year because I could do every function with the keypad. But so many of the "modern" phones have only a touchscreen, so when it quits working, the phone is useless. I was reading an article just the other day about how the average "life" of a phone today is 18 months. Since most companies make you sign a 2-year contract before they'll give you a discount on a phone, that means you're still paying on the contract for 6 months after the phone dies. Crazy. That's why I just buy all of mine unlocked off eBay and that way I don't have to have a contract.

The forecast here is for 71 on Sunday. In December. Scary. I don't mind the warm temperatures - I just want some rain to come along with them. We keep watching the water level on our pond recede and recede and worry about it freezing solid if we have really cold temps this winter, since the water level is already so low. That would be devastating to the fish, frogs and water birds that rely on it.

Josie - so glad you have a roofing company you trust and who did right by you. I can't wait until we are neighbors!!! Having spent most of this year packing, moving, unpacking, cleaning and preparing a house for market and stressing over all the details that go along with that, I don't envy you having this still in your near future - especially in the winter months and while pregnant. Just take it easy and don't place too high expectations on yourself. There are some things that might be nice to have done immediately but CAN wait until later so don't feel bad if you have to delay some plans. The animals are what make it the most challenging, I think. I couldn't move my flock out here until I had somewhere safe to put them so the first part of our move was really just me coming out here to built the coop. Every time I came I loaded up the car with boxes and unloaded them here but my main focus was on getting the coop built. And of course, I still had to keep up on taking care of them all back at the old place whilst preparing the new place for them. I only had a 45 minute drive back and forth though - it will be a much bigger undertaking for you, so if you have people to help - accept their help!
SandyC- Welcome. I hope you are able to have birds again I just love my turkeys and chickens and dont know what i would do without them. I have been bothers and struck by opossums, raccoons and hawks. Predators are nasty this year.

Mike- sorry about your hen. I love my new hampshire she is a reliable layer. I want more like her. These darn predators are awful already and it isnt even winter yet. I havent had a problem with owls but we have a HUGE population of them around here and they are very close so I am sure they will find my chickens this year. I will have to be on the look out.

I lost all my multi's.. Well Kansas prairie- The feed bags work great in there. I know the danger of humidity and check often to make sure all is well. I have seen lots of those feed bag purses. It is a good use for something.

I need to medicate my birds. I have sneezing, coughing and runny noses in 3 of my birds. I have duramycin, I am not sure how long the withholding on eggs is or if I should just treat the sick ones individually.??
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Hi Kansas Chicken People!

I moved here to Ft. Riley about a year ago from Northern NY and had to give up my chickens! :-(
If I can ever get off of this Army post, I would like to have some chickens again. What are your greatest
hazards and problems keeping them here in Kansas. In northern NY, my greatest problems were the cold
weather...-20+ wasn't unheard of in the winter and the occasional fox could be a problem. I free ranged for
a long time until the last year I was there, due to a very persistent one! My guess is hawks and coyotes could
be troublesome here. What about snakes? We could be here for a while and if so, will move off post. I sure
would like to get myself some Spitzhaubens again and may some Barred Rocks, a Buff Orpington, and and
Americauna again...and don't get me started on turkeys!

There's been a lot of talk about predators. Don't let it all scare you. This has been the worst year for them ever. If it starts raining again I think they will go back to a normal level. It really doesn't take all that much to predator proof a coop. Netting on top of the pen is a must have though especially in the fall.
Other problems recently have been the heat. This can easily be handled as well with shade and either pans of water or misters to keep them cool. I've never lost a bird to the cold even with a group that sleep outside with only the north wall for protection.
Heated water bowls are a must for winter unless you like breaking ice and hauling water.
We had a snafu with the roof but I am super happy to say that I think it is resolved. We requested that Truett Roofing in Wichita come out the day of the home inspection with the hope that the seller would use them out of convenience because we used them for our house in Wichita and they were awesome. They accidentally damaged some of the aluminum window casings and came back after we had paid them and repaired them at no cost to us. They came through for us again today with State Farm who was going to try to shirk paying for part of the roof!
Glad that worked out!!!
Just added this Josie. I forgot to post it earlier. Salmon faverolle have single combs so that is part of the equation. There is no doubt looking at that bird what her ancestry is. I am surprised she doesn't have 5 toes but I doubt that is a dominant trait. I have had a couple of purebreds hatch that only had 5 toes on one foot and four on the other.
Yeah! Last day of work today! For now anyway. I am excited to get moved and settled in. We have a doctor appt Friday and hopefully will have our next sonogram scheduled. Then we have our birth class all day on Saturday. Kinda bummed we are going to miss a whole day of nice weather but should be interesting and good info for DH who is finally finished reading his crash course in pregnancy for future dad's book!
So when is the moving date?? I'll bet you are glad to not have to wear yourself out working right now.
Are you going to learn the sex of the baby this time? I wanna know!!! I still think Girl! I'm still a little bummed you are moving away. I really wanted to play grandma, but I know it is much better for all of you.
Yeah I am pretty happy about buying the washer. So you got the same one?? I researched for a couple years before I decided this is what I wanted, then to find the special price helped a bunch. I have no idea when it will be delivered to the store. We have to put it in ourselves but that is no biggy. I hope to sell the old washer for a little cash. It works fine. I just got tired of not having room for larger loads. Especially bedding and jeans. I always wonder if my blankets and stuff are getting clean at all.
I suppose it wasn't a necessity but I sold my sports car a while back so that will pay for it. That wasn't a necessity either!!!

Mammahen I would be pretty upset about those charges. I hope it was an app you can actually use. I have no use for something like an IPad. I have a netbook I can take if I go somewhere. As long as we are both going to be gone I just take our adapter and I can get connected. I rarely do that but there have been several times I wish I had done so. I don't have any fancy apps on my phone and I only use it for calls and occasional texting.
I have a few more ducks to move out to the pen that hatched later. Then I need to scour and disinfect my hatcher again. I need to get some brooder bins cleaned up and ready today some time cause I expect the new baby chicks to arrive in the morning or the next morning. I really need to do some more cleaning in the other brooder sections where I already have birds but I have too many other things on the agenda for today.
I need to get out and get to work on the pen for the new peacock but I don't think I can handle that alone. I really need DH to set the pole but he is working.
OH DEAR ME!! I just went into the bathroom and found water running on the floor. I checked and it is coming from where the hot water hooks to the sink. The connection is tight and I have no idea how to fix it off hand. Figures! I suppose I could figure it out if I wanted to lay on my back upside down in a wet cabinet. Why is DH never here when I need stuff like this done? Some times I hate the fact I had to learn to do every thing because now it is just expected that I fix stuff. I don't have time for this right now!!! Maybe I'll just throw a towel down and turn a space heater on to dry it out some and hope that he will fix it when he gets home.
My sister wrote me last night and said my Dad found my Mom's embroidery threads. I am supposed to pick them up Saturday when we move him. I am very excited. I have a huge collection of projects to do when I find time and my Mom had a big lot of thread. It brings back memories of time we spent together. When I had a double spinal surgery on my back and neck at the same time my Mom came out and cared for me. We spent many days doing needlework together. She taught me how to needlepoint which is my winter passion now- even though I never find time to do it any more. The whole idea makes me smile and tear up at the same time. Now it will be that much more rewarding just because I know it is something we spent lots of time doing together.
I have so much arthritis in my hands I can't do needlework for long but find it very relaxing. Makes me want to get more work done for housing birds just so I have time to do something like that again.
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Maidenwolf, You need to wait at least 2 weeks on the eggs after the last treatment.
I don't suppose you have any Vet RX on hand do you? I would try that first. I know you have herbs so I am guessing you might have some herbal oils. If you have camphor, rosemary, fir needle , and oregano oil you can mix up your own in veggie oil. If you don't have all of it and have the camphor and any of the other ingredients you can get by.
The original VetRx has some alcohol in it. So you could add some everclear or some other drinking alcohol if you have it. I didn't have any and it doesn't seem to be essential.
I always try VetRX before I consider giving antibiotics. The antibiotics won't clear a cold or virus but only treat secondary infections. If you can treat with the herb oils or vet RX instead you won't have any withdrawal.
BTW you should have a package in the mail in the next day or two.
Yes I was thinking of mixing up a tea for them all to drink. When you make a tincture alcohol is necessary to preserve the mixture. I make many different tinctures for different medical purposes. The tincture is concentrated so it doesnt take as much like if you brew a medicinal tea. Using herbs will get you the same effect just in a tea that you have to steep each time you need it. For me this is not an issue but it is nice to have a rescue serum on hand when I need it quick. I should make a tincture for the chickens once I find what combo works. I use so many medicainal teas and always go to them over medicine when I can.
Thank you I will let you know when it gets here. I need to put some new pics up of the chicks you gave me they are all doing great and growing. The 4 outside with my hatchery girls are learning the ropes and getting along great.
Welcome to our newest person! As to preditors someone once told me prevention prevention prevention! It really works. Not always but it does help. I have a chicken house with an attached pen that is covered and preditor proof. When I let them out they free range. I loose some to foxes, dogs and coons mostly. Never had a hawk or owl. I dont think the owls get me cause the birds are locked in and secure at night. I have some big black snakes but I keep my eggs picked up. I dont think I loose eggs to them but I do enjoy the fact that they are in the coop eating mice. I think some of our people have dogs that do a good job of protection the chickens etc. I try to live in the country with the country. If I have heavy fox action I try to change the schedule the birds are free ranging or reduce it. Just some of my thoughts.
Maidenwolf what kind of alcohol do you use in your tinctures? I know my ex BIL who is a german doctor uses tinctures for everything and they all smell really strong in alcohol.
I would use the tincture on the birds because you want to drop it in their nostrils. Then you could use a healing tea for them to drink. If they don't improve or go downhill fast then I would use the antibiotics.
I've missed over 150 posts. I hope I didn't miss anything too vital -- hopefully everyone is doing well and the predators are slowing down.

Thanksgiving at my house went well. I love it, it's my favorite holiday, but I sure am glad it's over!

DH is STILL working on leaves, but at least there's an end in sight. After yesterday, its just our parents' houses left, and a little in our front yard. He couldn't get the big mower started yesterday, which of course set me off again. It's ridiculous for it to take a full month to clean up 5 or 6 yards! I told him to just make some calls. My aunt and our parents can afford to hire someone to clean up their leaves this year, or they could probably get a group of kids from their churches to do it. He ended up taking the push mower over to my aunt's and of course it took all afternoon instead of the couple of hours it would have taken with the big mower. I'm ready to be done with all that for a couple of months. NO YARDS in December!
Unless there's snow ...

The hens have slowed down from 6 eggs a day to 4, which is still better than we had most of the summer. Before the slow down, I actually got 7 eggs in one day from my 10 girls. I should have written it on the calender!

I put up a few decorations yesterday, but I can't get excited about putting up too much stuff. I'm not excited about putting up the tree, either. I don't even know where we'd put it now that our house seems to be stuffed with chairs everywhere. I don't know why it is, but it is. It's handy when the family comes over. Question: What do you all do with stuff you will never put out but was hand made for you by people you care about? I have a couple of nativity scenes my aunt made years ago (one of wood and one of beads), a painted decoration made by a friend, and another thing made by my niece when she was younger. I put them out when they were newer and I had more room. I don't want to get rid of them, but there's nowhere to put them out. I feel bad about stuffing them in a box and just leaving the box in the basement.

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