Consolidated Kansas

I bought me a second EcoGlow on Ebay and asked the guy before bidding if he'd give me free shipping - he did! Doesn't hurt to ask. I saved $19.

HeChicken - meant to tell you about the amazon 20 - I ordered it and waited 3 weeks (knowing it was out of stock) I called and they said they have no idea who long something can take once it is out of stock. After waiting 3 weeks and still not knowing when, or if, I'd ever get it.. that is when I checked ebay. The one I bought is brand new with original packaging,etc. I paid a total of $59.00

Arrgghhhh! Why are chickens so dumb sometimes!!! I just moved a bunch of serama pullets outside yesterday and they have a big metal coop to go into and instead they stand outside in the pouring rain. I had to gather them all up, wash the mud off of them and blow them off with the hair dryer. Needless to say they are all back in the garage under a heat lamp. I hope they are ok. Apparently their common sense hasn't kicked in yet. All my other seramas in the next pen over were all in their coop, nice and dry!
Thank goodness I was not the only one drying my chickens today:) Why do they stand in the cold rain not their nice cozy coops
Deer Hubbie hit one last nite, a big buck. I was just sick, here is a picture of the damage, then too top it off, could not find that deer. It was about 6:30 and raining.
The damage include the grill, bumper, light bucket fender, and hood. Does not look all that bad, until you view from the side, then it really shows up. It was a big bodied deer, the back part of the headlight was all the way across the highway along with other pieces of the grill. When you turn the wheels, the tire rubs on the bumper, that is who far it is pushed back.

Ok, now its cold and spitting snow, dang, it is just going to slow the building down, and I am ready to start moving!! BRRR guess I had better get to it, everybody is starving you know!!
maidenwolf, I am going to try to go to the Turkey creek swap meet and see if I can move some birds. I am taking silkies that I want to sell there, just thought I would let you know.
Deer Hubbie hit one last nite, a big buck. I was just sick, here is a picture of the damage, then too top it off, could not find that deer. It was about 6:30 and raining.
The damage include the grill, bumper, light bucket fender, and hood. Does not look all that bad, until you view from the side, then it really shows up. It was a big bodied deer, the back part of the headlight was all the way across the highway along with other pieces of the grill. When you turn the wheels, the tire rubs on the bumper, that is who far it is pushed back.

Ok, now its cold and spitting snow, dang, it is just going to slow the building down, and I am ready to start moving!! BRRR guess I had better get to it, everybody is starving you know!!
maidenwolf, I am going to try to go to the Turkey creek swap meet and see if I can move some birds. I am taking silkies that I want to sell there, just thought I would let you know.
Darn that deer must have been a heavy well fed guy. I dont know were turkey creek is. I hear alot about it I just dont know anything about it
Do you know your way around Joplin? You go out east on 20th st. Seems like 4, or 5miles, and it is on the north side of the street. There is a feed store there called Turkey Creek feeds. It can be a VERY busy swap. Lots of people go there. Lots of other nationalities people come there to buy roosters to butcher. They also buy lots of ducks to eat to. But, you have a lot of people coming there to buy birds to raise there own stuff too. Lots of buyers.
Do you know your way around Joplin? You go out east on 20th st. Seems like 4, or 5miles, and it is on the north side of the street. There is a feed store there called Turkey Creek feeds. It can be a VERY busy swap. Lots of people go there. Lots of other nationalities people come there to buy roosters to butcher. They also buy lots of ducks to eat to. But, you have a lot of people coming there to buy birds to raise there own stuff too. Lots of buyers.
I do not know my way around Joplin but know where it is and could get there. Now I just need to see if I can get there. Sounds fun
Chickendanz Sorry for the delayed response took advantage of the nice weather to get things done anyhow keep me in mind for that hatching of marans that would be perfect timing
I have buffs also hatchery and a few sq girls that are turning out to be amazing mabey I will wait on the chocolates like you said good info thanks!
Great! I need to stay buys getting pens ready so I can hatch. I have overloaded myself as usual.
Well we just discovered that Penny Lane and myself really are neighbors. Maybe only about 3 miles apart. That is really cool. She lives a mile north of me and just a little east.
Long long day yesterday and I need to get in gear. It will be an even longer one today. I have so much to do.
I'm hoping to convince DH to feed the birds for me. That would give me more time to get things done.
Danz-- your chipmonk story was FUNNY! I'm really glad you caught the little guy, but wow, good thing the cats were asleep and it all worked out well. When Josie said "super sonic chippies" it cracked me up thinking about it zooming around and you seconds behind it. hehehe What are you going to do with your albino turkey? I'd love to see a picture of her (on a much nicer day when it's warmer out there). The wind today is INSANE!!! I'm so glad I got water cleaned and refilled when it was nice.

I had locked myself out of the house. My front door will open from the inside even if it's locked, so I went out the front because my boots were on the front porch, forgetting about the silly door. Oh brother. I checked every door and window with absolutely no luck. Then, I happened to think about my craft room door -- I come and go during the day so I thought I may be in luck. I got in and then went to DH's shop area and got a crowbar and a hammer. I marched purposefully to the small back door and broke into my own house! Sadly it didn't take long, but then, I'm stronger than I look. Unfortunately, I don't have very good aim with a hammer. I get plenty of force. The two combined ended up splitting the skin between my index finger and thumb on my left hand. Oh well. At least I got back in the house. Then I fixed up the mess I'd made of the door and got it back in proper working order and replaced the window screen. Next, I am going to be replacing a front door knob and carrying my house keys with me every time I leave the house. Umm. I think I've said that before. Last time I broke into the door between the house and the garage.
I like your new name!! It took me a bit to figure out who the "new" person was! LOL Sorry about breaking into your house! I love HEchicken's idea of the new lock that you can code into. That sounds perfect! In fact, it's got me thinking *I* want one on the house here! I've been locked out by the kids. They will turn a lock and shut the door to go play. If I'm already outside when they do that, I'm screwed. I've been locked out of my house MANY times. Fortunately, I have a key hidden on the property... But half the time I spend like 30 mins hunting it down because I always forget where I put it. It's not one of those obvious places-- like people do with putting a key under the mat or a rock.. Noooo... I had to get creative. So creative, that one time I gave up and just played outside until my DH came home. That key is somewhere out there-- I had to get another one and try another hiding spot that I might remember this time. Although, come to think of it -- right this minute, I have no idea where I put the new one.

I have a couple of cockerels I'm going to have to process - not looking forward to it because they are both nice guys. Unfortunately my head roo, a Welsummer, doesn't want these guys mating "his" hens, so he runs them off every time they try. There are enough hens to go around but he doesn't see it that way and the result is they are all miserable. The Wellie spends all his time making sure they don't mate his hens, and they spend all their time looking for opportunities and then being chased off after they thought they found one. I found a kit on eBay that is really reasonable. It consists of a killing cone, plucker and razor-sharp knife, for $55. I ordered it yesterday and they assured delivery on Feb 1st, so after its delivered, I guess I will just have to do the deed. I've got to the point I don't even enjoy eating chicken any more, I dislike processing so much. But, it has to be done, since I've had no luck with rehoming them.
Great idea for the door! Hope your ducks start up! Sounds like they are getting ready! What kind of plucker??? Can you post the link or show us a picture of it??

Looking GREAT!!! Coming right along! So exciting!

Josie, It's really fun hearing about the baby. I never had one but I've always loved hearing about what it feels like. You seem to do amazing things while expecting! It must be because you were in such good shape already, is my guess. I've finally started exercising and taking better care of myself, just like a real grown up. I haven't lost tons of weight but my clothes are looser and I feel really good. I started working with a nutritionist at my Dr's office and she has been very helpful in keeping me on track.

Hawkeye, I love your logo too! I would like to create a logo but don't have any clue where to start. Would you mind educating me a little?
I have some ideas for you!

Thanks! I do try to take it easier now that I am getting bigger. I try to find creative ways to lighten the load of work I do so I don't overdo it. I use the mower and lawn cart to haul stuff around a lot more which helps instead of hauling heavy buckets. I can't believe how much progress they have made on that barn!
It is a wild thing to have a little itty bitty person moving around inside of you! We call her the alien sometimes because she drags her arm or leg across my tummy and it is really weird feeling!
Congrats on the new name!!! I had to scroll down and look at your signature line and go hmmmm 8 kids and aloha chickens, ok its KarenS!!!
I wish I could come up with a cute name for my chicken farm. I have wracked my brain but am feeling quite un creative.

Well it is just pouring out right now. We need it but I can't believe what a mucky mess it is already. And of course I moved some birds outside yesterday so I need to go make sure they are smart enough to find cover from the rain and aren't standing out in it. My goose pen is going to be nasty. Can't wait to have new pens with screenings and built up so they don't turn to slime every time it rains. I cleaned out the small breeding coops yesterday in prep for the move and I have this BCM pullet that keeps jumping the fence and wandering around the yard. Well I opened the second half of the coop and there was a big pile of dark chocolate eggs in a beautiful nest of white feathers that she had collected to lay in. She has been sneaking out of the pen everyday to lay her egg in a private spot. I am wondering if she was planning on sitting when she had a good stash going!
Well, I think getting rid of last year's roos and hens is sad. :( I will be keeping ONE of them for sure. He's done very well for us at the shows and he's just soooo pretty. So unless i have just stunning boys this year that are far better than him (it would take a LOT to do that) then I'll be keeping him. I will have some nice girls to get rid of this year too after I've used them. They will be excellent breeders.. not SQ, but should produce excellent birds. So we shall see!!! oh WOW-- does your BCM have a rooster to go with her? I would be tempted to hatch if that were the case!

Arrgghhhh! Why are chickens so dumb sometimes!!! I just moved a bunch of serama pullets outside yesterday and they have a big metal coop to go into and instead they stand outside in the pouring rain. I had to gather them all up, wash the mud off of them and blow them off with the hair dryer. Needless to say they are all back in the garage under a heat lamp. I hope they are ok. Apparently their common sense hasn't kicked in yet. All my other seramas in the next pen over were all in their coop, nice and dry!
Oh no. Yes, agreed, they can be pretty dumb. I'm so glad that my big birds, I don't have to worry about them getting wet or being outside. But when you have tiny little bantam breeds-- or birds that don't have feathers that SHED water... Ugh. Can cause a lot of problems when they get wet and cold. I sure hope they will be okay and don't come down with colds!

Hi all still a newbie here anyone else have silver laced wyandotte bantams looking for input?
Beautiful!! I don't have the bantams. But yours is really adorable!

Deer Hubbie hit one last nite, a big buck. I was just sick, here is a picture of the damage, then too top it off, could not find that deer. It was about 6:30 and raining.
The damage include the grill, bumper, light bucket fender, and hood. Does not look all that bad, until you view from the side, then it really shows up. It was a big bodied deer, the back part of the headlight was all the way across the highway along with other pieces of the grill. When you turn the wheels, the tire rubs on the bumper, that is who far it is pushed back.

Ok, now its cold and spitting snow, dang, it is just going to slow the building down, and I am ready to start moving!! BRRR guess I had better get to it, everybody is starving you know!!
maidenwolf, I am going to try to go to the Turkey creek swap meet and see if I can move some birds. I am taking silkies that I want to sell there, just thought I would let you know.
Oh no!!! So sorry!! And couldn't find the deer???! He must have been able to run off farther out in the field?? Oh what a bummer. I hope your insurance will get you all fixed up ASAP. Oh... I HATE dealing with insurance. At least your DH came home alive after that. Good thing he was driving a truck. My brother hit a deer with his little Honda Accord back when we lived at home as kids, and it totaled his car out. It crumpled the hood, broke the glass, dented in the driver's door, dented the top of the car and then crunched in the trunk! Anyway, my brother got cuts on his face and hands from the glass breaking in on him from the impact. I think anyone that comes out from a deer hit with the kind of damage to your truck is super lucky!!

Do you know your way around Joplin? You go out east on 20th st. Seems like 4, or 5miles, and it is on the north side of the street. There is a feed store there called Turkey Creek feeds. It can be a VERY busy swap. Lots of people go there. Lots of other nationalities people come there to buy roosters to butcher. They also buy lots of ducks to eat to. But, you have a lot of people coming there to buy birds to raise there own stuff too. Lots of buyers.
Oh, sounds like fun!! I'm on lock down for travel! LOL We're waiting to see if we get a job here and in serious money saving mode now. We have a swap in Yoder-- and I've never been!! I want to go to that one, it's close to me and it sounds like fun. I think it's more of an auction than a swap??? I know some of you go to that one, anyone know??

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