Consolidated Kansas

Dang-it ! A cyote or something came in when it was hot a day ago and picked off three hens. I let them free range all the time and never had any issues but , I let the dogs in cuz they were so hot (they're getting older and the heat seamed like it was getting to them ) . I guess that was the opportunity they were waiting for. Argh!!! I feel so dumb, and I hate that I have to keep them locked up now. Two of them were really friendly too. :(
Awesome news!! That must have made your day!
Just got some great news. I sold my 3 campines to some people a while back. The little hen got a blue but one of the little roos took best of breed, best of show and grand champion for the little girl that showed her. Needless to say I am thrilled and so is the little girl and her family. The little hen lost a couple points because her comb wasn't perfect. These people have bought birds from me the last 3 + years for 4 H and have won something every time but this one was the best.
I'm not feeling very well today and am feeling like a bit of a witch. I hate days when I feel grumpy. It's one of those days I would be better off to just stay in bed.
Do you live outside of town and are able to get u-verse? We have Hughes but I am super frustrated with it right now because it is sooo slow to upload things like pics and videos of the baby for my family back east. Would love it if we could get u verse...
Hechicken --- Congrats on the new fence! Sure is nice to let the goats loose.

I'm back to having internet. AT&T u-verse is working awesome right now, it is running close to 6 mbps downstream so I'm happy as a clam. I'll be catching up on posts and emails this weekend!!
Shoot, that stinks. It is always the favorites that get caught too.
Dang-it ! A cyote or something came in when it was hot a day ago and picked off three hens. I let them free range all the time and never had any issues but , I let the dogs in cuz they were so hot (they're getting older and the heat seamed like it was getting to them ) . I guess that was the opportunity they were waiting for. Argh!!! I feel so dumb, and I hate that I have to keep them locked up now. Two of them were really friendly too.
Well it was gorgeous out today and I labored mowing the lagoon and stupidly forgot to put sunscreen on. Oops. Should be awesome tomorrow, I am so happy we are getting a break from super hot weather. Sure makes those 100 plus degree days a little easier if you get a few that are back in the 80s!
It was cooler here today as well. It was a welcome break from the heat! I got some work done in the garden, harvested a bunch of lettuce, and watered all of the fruit trees. I also cleaned by fish tank and the duck house. It was a productive day! This evening, my husband was unable to help with changing the dressing on my duck's foot (the one I did bumblefoot surgery on last weekend). It was quite the experience trying to change the dressing on her foot by myself. Thankfully, she has gotten used to the routine and didn't struggle too much. I ended up sitting on the ground in a corner of the house (outside) and putting the duck on the ground in front of me. Then, I gently set my leg over her back to keep her from running away and pulled her foot out behind her so I could work on it. I'm sure it looked goofy, but it worked!

As much as I like the cooler weather, it has had one negative effect. The snakes are out and about more now that it's cooler. This morning I saw a HUGE bull snake (6+ feet long). Then, I saw a little blue racer in the pasture. When I got back from doing the chores, I saw a rattlesnake in the barn lot heading towards the house.
Thankfully, I was able to SSS (is that the right acronym??) the rattlesnake, but not before he scared the bejeebers out of me! The one-foot long rattlesnake scared me way worse than the 6+ foot long bull snake did. I was shaking pretty bad when the rattlesnake ordeal was over. It doesn't help that he started coming straight towards me!
Josiechick - I live just outside the city. AT&T just offered the u verse phone and internet in my area. No TV though since I'm too far away from the main line, so they said. It is not lightning speed by any means but better than the 1.5 mbps downstream I got with Pixius. I used and it clocked it @ 5.49 mbps so I'm quite happy right now. Upstream is a bit pathetic @ 0.93 mbps but better than 0.789 that I got from Pixius.

22qzoo - so sorry you lost some birds. It sure makes it harder to let them free range. Hope you can take care of the predator soon.
22Qzoo, I have problems with vacuum too! I always put in two c's rather than 2 u's. Actually there is a list of words I always mess up that I have spelled wrong my entire life. I just can't seem to change brain patterns. Most of my spelling errors though are typos and I am not a proofreader for sure.
Ivyrash I have no idea who took them there. I was there but I never know who brings what unless it is someone I know. Did you buy them?
Tweety good to see you back up and operating.
Lizzy how are you feeling? I would be pretty nervous about a rattlesnake too! That's a whole different thing than chasing around a black snake or bull snake.
I've been sick the last couple days. That's what I get for getting out in public Friday. I swear the whole world is infectious.
I did, paid way too much for them too. lol Just had a question for the person.

On another note, I am struggling with a chicken dilemma. I hatched a batch of eggs the past few days of which half of them were eggs I purchased from someone I sort of know and some of them I was hatching for a friend. Granted I am not an experienced hatcher but the eggs I hatched for a friend of the ones we locked down, 9 out of 11 hatched. We started with 15 eggs but culled 4 that weren't developing. I don't think that was bad at all. Of the ones I purchased, I started with 24, culled 13 around day 14 all with blood rings. Of the 11 I locked down 3 hatched. It leads me to believe maybe the eggs weren't fresh, but again, not an expert by any means. I was very careful with everything on the incubation, kept records of temps and humidity, only opened that incubator three times including when we took them out of the turner at lock down. I'm just frustrated and want some closure but don't want to be a b**** about it!

I am right there with you guys on the vacuum, never can remember if it's u's or c's, I say we just get rid of them!

My neighbor told me she has seen the neighborhood fox in our yard around 10:30 in the morning a couple times recently. They are way too brave these days! I am trying to find someone to come and trap them and have contacted wildlife and parks and they gave me some names but so far no one wants to do it. They told me I might be able to borrow a trap from one of the local offices but I haven't called about that yet. Some of my young SFH hens were over in the corner where the brome and corn fields meet and I had to go shoo them back towards the rest of the chickens. The coyote's will be picking them off if they don't stay away from that corn field!

So much to worry about! It's like have small kids again!
Easy solution; I use a KIRBY to SWEEP.
I can speel them werds currect.

The one that gets me is that day after today. Is it mm or rr?
The other day I asked DS to clean out our mud room. Later he told his sister he had been "brooming" (i.e. sweeping with a broom). It made me wonder why we do that in this weird language of ours that makes no sense. I mean, why do we sweep with a broom instead of brooming with a broom or sweeping with a sweep?

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