Consolidated Kansas

We are in the middle of a major snow storm. It started snowing like crazy when I was in Topeka. It is only 29 degrees out.
I went to the dentist and had some more work done and actually got another tooth pulled. So I'm feeling kind of lousy right now. I got home and my little red barred orp was really failing. So I took her in and tried to force some egg yolk and water down her. She died while I was holding her. Now I feel like I killed her. I did a quick necropsy even before her heart had completely stopped beating and her problem was a sour crop. I had given her oil yesterday because I suspicioned that was the problem but it didn't work. I feel really bad that I didn't figure out that was the problem to begin with. Sometimes these young birds just don't digest the food for older birds very well. I put grit in there but there's never any guarantee they are going to use it. Makes me very sad and she was an important part of my future breeders. 
I guess I need to bundle up and go feed the birds speaking of that.

Well if it makes you feel any better., the advice that you gave me for my turkey hen worked very well and she is improving., so thank you very much...
Glad it helped, msy8ix. Those darned boys.
I have two incubators with lots of peeping going on. I need to get another bin set up for them and mark the chicks so I know what is what. I'm hoping I have enough to fill a large order this weekend of black orpingtons. I'd love to get one crossed off my list. I can't believe with all the chicks I have around here that I can't fill orders. I think people feel I am like a hatchery and can supply a large group of one kind on any given day. I'm at the mercy of my hens and the weather. Probably when they really start cranking them out people will be done buying. I've always thought late spring/early summer, May and June and late August/September chicks made a lot more sense in the grand scheme of things. Mother nature wasn't off when she designed when the birds would be laying the most in my opinion. In nature, did you know that more animals are born/ hatched in June at the full moon than any other time of year?
I sold some birds last night quite by a fluke. They were no money makers for sure because I was anxious to get some out of here. A young man called me after I had propped myself up for the evening. I learned he just wanted chickens for something to do, and then found out he only lived about 3 miles from me. I sold him a couple of Breda cockerels but I'm afraid I accidentally sold him a pullet. I hope not! I am short of girls as it is. The more I looked the more I was convinced I made an error. They are so hard to sex. Then I sold him a broody hen and her 9 eggs for $5. I didn't really want mixed birds running around and I need the building she was staying in. I hope she stays on her eggs for him. She was pretty unhappy. I also gave him and handful of duck eggs to hatch as well. I do hope they don't become coyote bait. but he said he has a chicken house and a covered pen. So I got a $15 for a lot of birds and potential birds but I needed to move them out.
I have someone coming early afternoon to get a few chicks so I need to get them separated sometime before that. And of course get the bin set up for the chicks that are hatching today and tomorrow. Hopefully although the wind is going to be blowing 40MPH today we will finally get some warm weather.
I think I'm going to have to make some saddles for my partridge brahmas. Those boys have all the girls worn down to fringe on the backs. I pulled all the roos but one last night. I left the shiest boy and he has been kept away from the girls so I hope he does his job. He hasn't been allowed to breed at all because the other 3 roosters picked on him. I'm hoping he enjoys his new found harem. I'd hate to end up with non-fertile eggs when I have people waiting.
Glad it helped,  msy8ix. Those darned boys.
I have two incubators with lots of peeping going on. I need to get another bin set up for them and mark the chicks so I know what is what. I'm hoping I have enough to fill a large order this weekend of black orpingtons. I'd love to get one crossed off my list. I can't believe with all the chicks I have around here that I can't fill orders. I think people feel I am like a hatchery and can supply a large group of one kind on any given day. I'm at the mercy of my hens and the weather. Probably when they really start cranking them out people will be done buying. I've always thought late spring/early summer, May and June and late August/September chicks made a lot more sense in the grand scheme of things. Mother nature wasn't off when she designed when the birds would be laying the most in my opinion.  In nature, did you know that more animals are born/ hatched in June at the full moon than any other time of year?
I sold some birds last night quite by a fluke. They were no money makers for sure because I was anxious to get some out of here. A young man called me after I had propped myself up for the evening. I learned he just wanted chickens for something to do, and then found out he only lived about 3 miles from me. I sold him a couple of Breda cockerels but I'm afraid I accidentally sold him a pullet. I hope not! I am short of girls as it is. The more I looked the more I was convinced I made an error. They are so hard to sex. Then I sold him a broody hen and her 9 eggs for $5. I didn't really want mixed birds running around and I need the building she was staying in. I hope she stays on her eggs for him. She was pretty unhappy. I also gave him and handful of duck eggs to hatch as well. I do hope they don't become coyote bait. but he said he has a chicken house and a covered pen. So I got a $15 for a lot of birds and potential birds but I needed to move them out.
I have someone coming early afternoon to get a few chicks so I need to get them separated sometime before that. And of course get the bin set up for the chicks that are hatching today and tomorrow. Hopefully although the wind is going to be blowing 40MPH today we will finally get some warm weather.
I think I'm going to have to make some saddles for my partridge brahmas. Those boys have all the girls worn down to fringe on the backs. I pulled all the roos but one last night. I left the shiest boy and he has been kept away from the girls so I hope he does his job. He hasn't been allowed to breed at all because the other 3 roosters picked on him. I'm hoping he enjoys his new found harem. I'd hate to end up with non-fertile eggs when I have people waiting.

She has been resting comfortably., I have also been raising buff orpingtons., they are cute little cotton balls., however I have lost one just went in and it was gone., not sure why., and I have also been watching and waiting for eggs to hatch., turkey eggs., and have only a few weeks to go., we are very excited., waiting for the weather to co.-operate to take the buffs outside., trying my best to socialize all of them., so that they get used to me and start to like me., but spring is taking its time to get here., and with the wind and fire advisory going., that's just not happening., so good luck with yours., I know that I am enjoying mine., thanks again., msy8ix., jenn...

My cat penny and her baby butterscotch...

My cat penny and her baby butterscotch...
I agree with sharol, that's adorable!

Wow the weather sure took a turn for the worse today. It rained & the wind blew & it went down to 39 degrees this afternoon, brrrrr! I had to deliver some rabbits this afternoon that I was selling & boy was it miserable to get out & transfer them to their new owner & then come back home & go back out in it to feed all my birds & animals. I thought it was supposed to be spring!
we woke up this morning with three chicks in incubator. One is laying down and the other two stepping on its head. When he got to his feet its holding his head all the way back resting it on its back. Could this be wry neck or should we wait till dry?
I'd let him dry and see if he improves but usually once they throw their head back that means they aren't going to make it. If he is kind of flopping around trying to stand he may just need a chance to get his feet under him.

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