Consolidated Kansas

I peeked under my broody this morning and one of the eggs (the only one I could see) had pipped. When I got in a few minutes ago, I can hear cheeping. I value my hands, so I didn't try to look under her again -- her patience is short.

Fingers crossed.
I agree with Danz michelleml, usually if they start out with that kind of problem they don't improve, but I'm not saying it's impossible. I have had chicks with the flipping syndrome they call it & gave them Vitamin E for a few days & they came out of it. But that's a different thing than what you're talking about.

sharol congrats on the chicks so far!

Boy today is just the opposite of yesterday, it's been sunny & warm here today, really nice. We just got back from Wichita, so I still have to go out & do chores but at least I don't have to contend with rain & 50 mile an hour wind today.
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I peeked under my broody this morning and one of the eggs (the only one I could see) had pipped. When I got in a few minutes ago, I can hear cheeping. I value my hands, so I didn't try to look under her again -- her patience is short.

Fingers crossed.

Yipee! One chick out. Other 2 eggs not pipped yet.

Woot! Congrats Sharol. I'm so happy for you! I gave a broody hen and 9 eggs to a young man the other day and asked him to let me know how she did and if she stayed on the eggs. No reply yet. I was hoping he would call and say that she either deserted them or stayed on them.
Wow! Trish what an opposite day than we had. It was cold, extremely windy and rainy with hail here. I went to Topeka to meet my son and it was 70 degrees and nice up there. (Other than the wind) Once I got about 20 miles south the temp dropped to 53 again. I had to wear my winter coat to do my chores.
I think hubby needs to take a break from the "creek" and build you a bigger chicken house!!!

I had a nice hatch today. I got a nice color selection and am pretty happy about the whole outcome. I think I had two eggs that didn't pip. I haven't pulled them yet. I had to meet my son in Topeka this afternoon so I bought another big bin for brooding chicks. I really hope I can move enough of these I don't need to use it.
Got a look at the baby this morning (now there are two). They look a lot like last years' Marans babies with just a bit more white around their faces. One more egg to go, no pip yet. The second one was hatched overnight.

Yeah!!!! Copper is a mother.
I guess that makes me a great grandmother, huh Sharol? Oh my!
I had a bad day yesterday. I had an order of 10 chicks come in that were VERY expensive. There were only 3 survivors. After investigating what happened it was pretty evident the box was place on it's side while in transit and the chicks were kept where they didn't have access to the heat pack. Very sad state to open a box of really pricey chicks to find them dead. Hopefully I'll be able to secure a claim from the post office but it's iffy. I may have to start flying across the country to pick up the chicks I want to breed with. Shipping of chicks and eggs is getting so insane. They just shove boxes where they can regardless of conditions or orientation. Hopefully when the last order of expensive chicks come toward the end of May I'll be done buying. Well I am hopefully done spending money right now. With luck I'll have all I need.
I have some Russian Orloff eggs due to arrive USPS today. I didn't intend to breed them but they are from show lines and a rarer bird. So if I hatch enough of them to breed I may have to make room for some. I actually won them on an auction on the cheap. These would be great prospects for 4H kids. They tend to be a huge part of my business.
Danz, I guess we could look at it that way. LOL

I'm so sorry about the babies. Shipping is so iffy these days. If you fly somewhere, will they let you carry on the chicks on the way back?

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