Consolidated Kansas

Sending hugs!
sounds overwhelming.

Thank you.
My life has been pretty quite lately (the way I like it) so this is a lot of life-changers all at once.

I decided to go ahead set some eggs, I hope it will help to have the distraction.
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Thank you.
My life has been pretty quite lately (the way I like it) so this is a lot of life-changers all at once.

I decided to go ahead set some eggs, I hope it will help to have the distraction.
Oh yes, nothing better to distract than turning on the incubator. And no matter how many time i do it , i still pretty much look thru that tiny window daily like i expect something exciting to be happening on day 2. LOL

On the essential oil note, i will first say i have never used on the chickens because generally EOs are very potent and powerful, so if you are going that route please be a diligent label reader. For instance, lemon oil --which is made by compressing the rind of the lemon --should not have a label that reads--not for internal use (first flag that there is probably some type of filler in the bottle) Most EOs will also have a reaction with plastic, so if adding to water always use glass or stainless steel containers. Essential Oils are not regulated by the FDA so therapeutic grade is a trademark used by some EO companies in their labeling, but there is no regulation as to what therapeutic grade entails unfortunately, there is a grading scale for use as dietary supplements from the FDA called GRAS--generally regarded as safe. I personally would look for wildcrafted/virgin soil or companies that own their own farms, just please be careful with them.

Squash bugs-ugh. I end up picking off the insects and eggs from our plants by wrapping duct tape around my hand sticky side out and pat pat patting the plants. Definitely not an enjoyable way to spend time in the garden.

Trish --Looking forward to seeing "kid' pics :)

Hope everyone enjoyed the lovely day outside today--i scraped out the coops and boy am i feeling it now.
Tara, what type of eggs are you setting? It's always fun to hatch. I had some very late hatch of 6 pea babies that we had to have in the house half the winter! Talk about stink and dust. I love them but gosh, still stink even after cleaning! At least chickens are not as horridly smelly.:th
Sorry to hear your life got turned upside down, hopefully things will smooth out.

Grizzled pink is right, you have to be careful. Make sure they are alcohol free, pure etc. They do have their uses though and I am an advocate for sure. And some should never be used internally. I have been using them since about 2005, but not on my chickens/peas until 2009.
One of my 22 week old pullets started laying while I was at my daughter's in Aurora, CO. Not sure if it was the speckled sussex or the barred rock. There are 3 little pullet eggs on my egg stand. Three more of the hens have started laying again in the last week, so I'm finally getting enough eggs for us. My little hen that the dog mauled has started laying again thank goodness. She had been laying for a couple of weeks before he grabbed her. She had a couple of nasty gouges on her back and under one wing, but I put a saddle on her, and she has healed up. She is a favorite of the roo, so I'm just leaving the saddle. I check it at least once a week, but it is really well made and lets lots of air circulate.

Good to be home. It was really cold the week I was in CO.
tarabella I hope things get better at your place. I'm sorry about your cat, I hope she gets better.

sharol welcome back, what a nice surprise to come back to, more eggs! My hens have started picking up on laying as well, finally, yay!

Frizzled yeah it's my ewes that are pregnant. The one I call Milk is probably going to deliver first I think but who knows. I can't wait to see the little lambs. HEChicken has 4 little lambs now, 3 ewes & a ram. Her goat looks like she is going to burst & has for awhile the poor thing.

I did manage to get the last coat of paint on the sheep shelter today, I was painting like my life depended on it, I just wanted to get it all painted in case I have to have surgery on this knee. I won't be going down there for awhile if that happens. I finished up painting & let the paint dry long enough so the sheep & little goat wouldn't get paint on them & then went down to let them out of the field & up to their pens to eat. I didn't move out of the way fast enough & the two ewes ran right into my sore leg. Arrrrgggghhh it hurt so bad for a few minutes. Next time I have to make sure I move to the side before I open that gate. They just take off running for their pens because they know there is food waiting in their bowls & hay in the feeder.
This weather is a definite mood lifter.
It has been a rough week. My 14 year old calico has been sick and we've basically ruled out everything but Lymphoma. She has lost a lot of weight, vomiting, and just lying around. So we are doing what we can. I have IV fluids for her, meds to help with the vomiting, simulate appetite and some Vitamin B-12. She doesn't do well at the Vet so I am treating her at home. I am a terrible nurse, but she is hanging in there (I know she is feeling a bit better cause she gave me attitude this morning when I had to poke her twice after she pulled out her IV). She nibbled some food this morning and I finally got the appetite stimulant down her. She has been the only consistent in my life the last 13 years. She has been my constant companion and all of the times she stayed by my side me through sickness now I can return the favor.

To top off my week, my 17 year old niece didn't listen to caution and she is due in Oct .......I needed some time with the flock and put some layers on the garden.

I managed to get a cold and haven't been out enjoying the weather at all.

I'm so sorry about the turmoil in your life right now. Whenever people ask me what's new or what's going on and I say, "Nothing really," they give me a pitying look. I don't need their pity; I like it that way!
It seems I'm always fighting a minor sinus infection but I too am sick now. I've been coughing a lot. I think I have some minor bronchitis going on right now. I was feeling pretty lousy last night. I did order a couple more bottles of high grade oregano oil though so I should be able to try it for treatment soon. I may have a tiny bit in my cabinet anyway. I just wanted to try it on the birds as an option. I think I might try it on one bird who is congested as an experiment to see if it helps.
Most of you must have had a nicer day weather wise than we did. It did get warm for while but I only saw the temp in the 50's. But then around 3:30 or so the cool front started moving in and it cooled down really fast. Of course I was out there rinsing off liners for my brooder bins about the time the cool air came in. Today it is just very windy out of the north.
I have seen a few more eggs lately and have two full trays ready to go in the incubator. A few of those might have gotten frozen since we are still having freezing temps at night but it is nice to see some eggs again.
I'm sorry some of you are having problems both individually and with your pets. Hope all gets better soon.
Oh guys! Heads up bout oregano oil. When using it on yourself mix it with apple juice!! Still need to dilute with olive oil but then add about same amount of juice. Otherwise you will never be able to stomach it again!!! Sorry I didn't say that earlier since we we're talking birds!!!

Apple juice helps dilute the taste but still throw it back of your throat like medicine, do NOT sip it. Bleh!
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It seems I'm always fighting a minor sinus infection but I too am sick now. I've been coughing a lot. I think I have some minor bronchitis going on right now.  I was feeling pretty lousy last night. I did order a couple more bottles of high grade oregano oil though so I should be able to try it for treatment soon. I may have a tiny bit in my cabinet anyway. I just wanted to try it on the birds as an option. I think I might try it on one bird who is congested as an experiment to see if it helps.
Most of you must have had a nicer day weather wise than we did. It did get warm for while but I only saw the temp in the 50's. But then around 3:30 or so the cool front started moving in and it cooled down really fast. Of course I was out there rinsing off liners for my brooder bins about the time the cool air came in. Today it is just very windy out of the north.
I have seen a few more eggs lately and have two full trays ready to go in the incubator. A few of those might have gotten frozen since we are still having freezing temps at night but it is nice to see some eggs again.
I'm sorry some of you are having problems both individually and with your pets. Hope all gets better soon.

Another thing that works Really well for me when I have sinus infection is Braggs ACV. I mix it with some lemon and raw honey and it's actually drinkable. It cleared up my last sinus infection within a day or two. :D I'm used to battling them for weeks so I was super impressed!
Wow, miss a couple of days and posts go crazy. LOL! Sorry for those of you struggling with illness (yourself or your critters.) Really happy for the folks that got to enjoy nice weather yesterday. My family got to be out so grandkids and goats got to play. I, however, was stuck teaching a class all day. Was hoping the weather would hold here. I love my people but was really looking forward to spending some time with my goats.
(I did not say that out loud.)
Waiting impatiently for consistent good weather, getting coop build and getting my baby chicks!

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