Consolidated Kansas

I normally use it on myself. The only time I have used it on a bird was when I had a pet showgirl chicken that was an acute internal layer. Don't laugh but I tried giving her oil and nutmeg up her bum because she was so so miserable. It really helped her relax and we fought the darn peritonitis for a year an half before she passed. :oops:

Chickendanz might remember my little Dash, one of my first chickens.
She was a house chook at the end and would wake me by yanking on my covers with her little beak in the morning so I would pick her up to snuggle for couple hours. I could trust her 100 percent not to poop on me.
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I normally use it on myself. The only time I have used it on a bird was when I had a pet showgirl chicken that was an acute internal layer. Don't laugh but I tried giving her oil and nutmeg up her bum because she was so so miserable. It really helped her relax and we fought the darn peritonitis for a year an half before she passed. :oops:

Chickendanz might remember my little Dash, one of my first chickens.
She was a house chook at the end and would wake me by yanking on my covers with her little beak in the morning so I would pick her up to snuggle for couple hours. I could trust her 100 percent not to poop on me.

That is Too cute!!! She sounds like she was a sweetie! I'm kind of sad because all my chickens are too flighty to ever want to be held. The two that liked me both got killed. My BLRW roo hung out wherever I was and didn't mind being held and one of my dogs killed him I think. And my little SLW hen that I saved from the same dog got taken by a hawk. :( I'm planning to get some chicks this spring and I'm hoping I'll be able to tame these better. :fl
Yep I do have a crimper. I bought it when I bought all the fittings and stuff. Did you buy one of those things to cut off bad crimps? I think I may just use the dremel if there are any bad ones. I do wish I had a little more strength in my hands though. I bought the crimper that was reviewed to be the easiest to use but thanks to arthritis it is really hard for me to work it.
I do plan to use shavings for the floor. I considered putting in-floor heat in but I really don't have a place or time to cut wood so I decided against it. I may however consider that if I ever get to build a garage.
Those cats are getting very little food. Their Mom gets plenty, but the babies come in the shop at night only and eat what little is in there. They are ferel for sure. Maybe some day they'll get the numbers down in the old barn and start hunting up closer to the pens.
thundrdncr, thanks for the info on the Oregano & Nutmeg oils, I'm getting those for sure. I sure need the one for topical use for myself & I can't wait to try the Oregano on my chickens.

Danz I'm sure when those kittens get that area cleaned out of mice they will branch out to other places to hunt. Mine go next door to the dump over there & hunt because it's such a mess there & there are plenty to hunt. I think I have some cats out there that live mostly on mice & rats from over there. If they ever clean up that place & someone lives there again they might chase them all off, I don't know.
No problem, I am so glad someone is willing to give it a try. I know everyone kind of gives a wink and a nod about me using it for the most part, but in my experience I have tried both real meds versus oregano oil and the oregano wins hands down. I have a little dropper that I use to dose them.
No problem, I am so glad someone is willing to give it a try. I know everyone kind of gives a wink and a nod about me using it for the most part, but in my experience I have tried both real meds versus oregano oil and the oregano wins hands down. I have a little dropper that I use to dose them.

Maybe you mentioned this earlier but which brand of oregano oil and nutmeg oil do you use?
I have used several brands, I don't think it matters as long as it is pure wild med oregano oil. I have used herbal authority which is nice because it comes with a dropper, but it's not as strong because it's already mixed, even tho it does need a little more olive oil added to it.

Aroma appeal is wowza! strong so I like it. Only need 4 or 5 drops of it per tablespoon. I don't have an exact recipe for mixing, just depends how Sick they are on how strong I make it. It does also help a wee bit for botulism. That's another fight I never want to have again, cross my fingers.
This weather is a definite mood lifter.
It has been a rough week. My 14 year old calico has been sick and we've basically ruled out everything but Lymphoma. She has lost a lot of weight, vomiting, and just lying around. So we are doing what we can. I have IV fluids for her, meds to help with the vomiting, simulate appetite and some Vitamin B-12. She doesn't do well at the Vet so I am treating her at home. I am a terrible nurse, but she is hanging in there (I know she is feeling a bit better cause she gave me attitude this morning when I had to poke her twice after she pulled out her IV). She nibbled some food this morning and I finally got the appetite stimulant down her. She has been the only consistent in my life the last 13 years. She has been my constant companion and all of the times she stayed by my side me through sickness now I can return the favor.

To top off my week, my 17 year old niece didn't listen to caution and she is due in Oct .......I needed some time with the flock and put some layers on the garden.
This weather is a definite mood lifter.
It has been a rough week. My 14 year old calico has been sick and we've basically ruled out everything but Lymphoma. She has lost a lot of weight, vomiting, and just lying around. So we are doing what we can. I have IV fluids for her, meds to help with the vomiting, simulate appetite and some Vitamin B-12. She doesn't do well at the Vet so I am treating her at home. I am a terrible nurse, but she is hanging in there (I know she is feeling a bit better cause she gave me attitude this morning when I had to poke her twice after she pulled out her IV). She nibbled some food this morning and I finally got the appetite stimulant down her. She has been the only consistent in my life the last 13 years. She has been my constant companion and all of the times she stayed by my side me through sickness now I can return the favor.

To top off my week, my 17 year old niece didn't listen to caution and she is due in Oct
.......I needed some time with the flock and put some layers on the garden.
Sending hugs! :hugs sounds overwhelming. :(

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