Consolidated Kansas

KsKingBee, I can empathize, I'm on a diet right now as well. It gets better as you go. We have an app on our phones that we use to track calories & it works really well.
Will do.
Tara Bella. If you get tired of waiting I am sure some of us could fix you up before that.
With Scots Dumpys? I am looking for another color other than Cuckoo! Other than that, yes I am sure I will be getting some birds before June. I want to make a trip your way and get some of your Jubillee Orps and maybe some of those Black Brahmas!!!! Chicken Crazy
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Well I have been out trying to plant my hyacinths. I say trying as my baby peas want to know what I am doing. I am outside the fence. They have not been outside the fence before. One got lost under the porch, Annie was small enuff to squeeze between the steps, so the bigger boy tried it and got stuck. Really kind of funny, but I don't want them in the front yard, they don't know their way around, and dog can't protect them. I have chased them back in a dozen times but with mom out there doing interesting stuff they keep following me! :he
Congrats on getting the coyote, KKB!!! My dogs must have bee busy last night. I've never seen them so sleepy! I did get a couple cute pics today tho. :) London is very in love with Willow! ;)



I'm trying to figure out when my first ND doe is due. She's getting huge and her first possible due date was Sunday. No sign of babies tho. They haven't even dropped so maybe she's not due when I thought. :confused: she's happily eating and hanging out with the others altho I've noticed that she's laying down more and taking it easy. I'm just So ready for goat babies!!!!! I suppose she'll wait until it turns cold again to give me some stress! Several of my chickens are laying steady now. I've been getting 2 eggs a day for the last several days. It's obviously 3 hens tho because one is always from one of my BCMs and one is large and almost white I think from one of my older SLWs and now I'm getting a small light brown one. :D
Kskingbee, congrats on the coyote! Even tho we are on the edge of town, we have all of that! Coyotes, foxes, coons, skunks. The only benefit when I had bandits litter mate was they would take out the skunks . They got sprayed as 8 month olds and then learned to tag team them. In a way I admired her killer instincts, she would hunt mice on a daily basis., it was fascinating to watch. She just didn't differentiate what to and what not to, everything was open season.
She really hearkened back to the wolf I think. She would have had no problem in the wilds of Alaska as a companion/hunt dog. She was beautiful to watch.

Well finally got all my babie peas rounded up and accounted for. I am going to have to sell some in the spring. I think I will get rid of a couple India blue 4 year old hens too, to make way for some pied hens if I can find some.

God luck with your doe, of. We want baby pics when they come! ;)
TaraBella I don't know anyone with Scots Dumpys. Do you want them just because they are so rare and different?
Prairie, London is marked just exactly like his grandma was. I sure hope when we have pups I end up with a couple marked like that. I sure don't need another dog but I just have to have one with the badger markings like that. Doesn't the colors remind you of how a fire roasted Marshmallow looks?
I got the old nest box cut down enough I managed to get it out of the hen house today and I got the new one installed. Mine was the last of the ones that were on the big load and it was missing some of the wooden bottom pieces. I cut some new pieces and got them put in as well.
Then I went out and worked on my faucet set up again. I finally got it ready I think. I just need to mount it to the stand. I even have the faucet mounted so It will be a matter of hooking up the water hoses now. I need to work on my drain again and make sure it's all lined up before I hook up the water lines.
I didn't get any more birds sorted. Seems I just take forever to get things done.
I did make a trip to town and deliver eggs so that is done for the week.
Well I got the news on my MRI this afternoon & I have a torn meniscus, at least one tear & maybe two. So I will be having surgery next Monday. I just want to get it over so I can start rehab. I've had so much pain this last year it's just wearing.
It wasn't their fault it's been so long. I had to wait to see the Dr till our flex health account had money in it again. Otherwise I would have been there two months ago. I want to get the surgery done ASAP so I can get the healing process started. I have hatching season coming up & warm weather. I want to be ready for that.
TaraBella I don't know anyone with Scots Dumpys. Do you want them just because they are so rare and different?

That is part of it. Another part is the genetic challenge!
Probably one of the big factors is my obsession with a certain book series and the heroine of said series. I started reading the Outlander series when I was 12 and other than Anne Rice, the author Diana Gabaldon had a big impact on my growing years! I was very influenced by the strong female role of Claire (independent, knowledgeable about growing things and herbal uses for healing, just an awesome role-model) and in the last book Written in My Own Hearts Blood, Claire comes across a breeder of the birds whose Grandmother brought them to America from Scotland. Claire added the breed to her 'mental checklist' and so did I!!!! I just basicly became obessed with them.

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