Consolidated Kansas

I'm still new to this chicken life so please bare with me on all my questions. I have 2 Bantams that are 3 weeks old. As of right now they are kept in an 30 gallon tote with light and all that. Since its been nice outside durning the day I have been taking them out & letting out into a kids play yard in the grass. Since I'm home working in biggie. I know I can't leave out alone since I have dogs and always worried about hawks, but are they to young to be out for an hour or so since it's still only in the 70's?

Happy to help, if I can, so ask away. Chicks, technically are supposed to start with 95 degrees and then decrease by 5 degrees each week. I've had some old timers tell me that you should keep chicks on the cooler side to acclimate them faster to cooler temps. If your chicks are doing fine, I assume they are in the sun, I wouldn't worry about it unless it got cloudy. I've just always had warm and cool areas so they can self regulate.
I was wondering if this chick might have some gold laced wyandotte in it? There is a chance for a purebreed one from who I got the eggs from, but other wise could be a mix with a new hampshire or a buff. Of course, knowing my luck it will have GLW and then turn out to be a roo.....but SO cute right now. They are 6-7 days old right now!

Sure looks like a GLW to me... pretty chick.

I had another partridge brahma from Danz hatch today!!!
my broody hatched it out and she's sitting on one of my eggs yet. Don't know if it'll hatch yet or not. How old can chicks be and still imprint on a hen? I'm tempted to stick another chick or two under her for her to care for. Danz, have you ever had a broody hen raise pheasants?
Deerfield I was kidding about your DH coming here, I know you keep him plenty busy, but that's good. Yeah I get that story here too about some guys not doing any projects, bah. I agree with you wholeheartedly on what you told him. I hear all the time that the chickens are my hobby so why should he have to do things for my hobby. But let me tell you he sure does find time for his running hobby before anything else. Sometimes you just need a little help with things. I do a lot of things by myself but there are those things I can't do alone. What do we have them for if they can't help out? He forgets that the chickens feed him breakfast every day.

tarabella he looks like a cutie. How does he do with your birds? Both of those breeds are pretty high energy dogs so they need lots of exercise to stay out of trouble.

Momma2bellas the chicks might be OK in the warmer weather for short periods but they can't regulate body temp that well till 6 weeks or so. They will get too big for your tub probably by the time they're old enough to stay out. I guess I coddle my chicks more than Deerfield, LOL.

I had quite a rodeo here last night, I don't know what got into my birds. I was trying to get feeding done & the first pen I went to one of the roosters & a hen went out the door as I was going in. Those birds have never even offered to go out. I managed to get the hen back in & then the rooster just decided he liked it out there & wasn't going back in. I kept going back over there at intervals & he kept resisting. I was ready to strangle him by the time he finally went back into the pen. Then at my Barred Rock pen one of the hens came out & she also decided she was staying out. It took trapping her behind a pallet to catch her. Geez I was worn out before I even got the feeding all done.
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oh my.....I noticed one of my hens today had some little tiny skinny worms in her poo and it was runny. I scooped it up, put it in a bag and was gong to call our vet to see if they could test it.

My DOG grabbed the bag (it was outside on a table) and ate the POO! our vet does not test chicken poo, and now I have to collect some again, find a local vet to test it, and if its something dogs can get, then take both my dogs in as times!
oh my.....I noticed one of my hens today had some little tiny skinny worms in her poo and it was runny. I scooped it up, put it in a bag and was gong to call our vet to see if they could test it.

My DOG grabbed the bag (it was outside on a table) and ate the POO! our vet does not test chicken poo, and now I have to collect some again, find a local vet to test it, and if its something dogs can get, then take both my dogs in as times!

If the worms are long & skinny they would be round worms, but if they're small segments like rice they're most likely tapeworms. Yes dogs are subject to both of those types of worms so you might want to worm them too.
If the worms are long & skinny they would be round worms, but if they're small segments like rice they're most likely tapeworms. Yes dogs are subject to both of those types of worms so you might want to worm them too.
They where real skinny, but not real long, almost as if they where baby worms? should I wait to have it tested, or just buy some stuff to treat and take the dogs in?
tarabella he looks like a cutie. How does he do with your birds? Both of those breeds are pretty high energy dogs so they need lots of exercise to stay out of trouble.
He is a doll, but you are spot on. We are in 'no contact' with the chickens for now. I will slowly let him get used to being in the same yard with them. At this age he thinks everything is a toy LOL. With 3 boys of my own and countless kids in and out he is getting plenty of exercise!
Trish44, Deerfield I was kidding about your DH coming here, I know you keep him plenty busy, but that's good. Yeah I get that story here too about some guys not doing any projects, bah. I agree with you wholeheartedly on what you told him. I hear all the time that the chickens are my hobby so why should he have to do things for my hobby. But let me tell you he sure does find time for his running hobby before anything else. Sometimes you just need a little help with things. I do a lot of things by myself but there are those things I can't do alone. What do we have them for if they can't help out? He forgets that the chickens feed him breakfast every day.

Yeah girl, I knew you were kidding.
Just thought you'd get a kick out of our banter. He banned me from using any power tools so I really had to wait for him. Now he says I can use them but he does every project I say I'm going to do. I think he's very nervous about me using a power tool for some reason. Old school thinking, I'm sure. If I die using a power tool, then it's his fault I killed myself. He should have protected me or something like that.
Well since we butchered the 2 Cornish last week, mama decided we needed a few more (Chicken math has taken over the wife)

Add 5 more Bantams today 2 were 0.7 Oz and the other 3 were 0.8 Oz.
(must be the medical side of me weighing and making sure they are gaining weight)


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