Consolidated Kansas

I've not been getting notifications when anyone posts or I get a message. It is driving me nuts. I often just do a quick check to see if anyone has posted as I walk by the computer. I'm sure missing that feature.

Me either!! I've had PMs and no notification! It's driving me crazy!!! :rant I had figured it was just my account or something.
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Me either.  It is driving me buggy.  Is it a problem with the system or just this thread?  Oh, and I'm not getting message notifications either.

It's not just this thread because I'm on a number of others and im not getting any notifications at all! I loved being able to read them in my email without opening up my browser all the time! :(
Sure hope they get the notifications fixed soon. I might see if I can find some info on the web master and let them know it's not working.
AshnCarson, I wouldn't have spent the money on Wazine. It's only good for round worms and not a great and effective wormer at that. It's cheap compared to some wormers, but if you have one kind of worm you can have others. I would use ivermectin alone if I were you in the future. And since you do have worms, repeat it in around 10 days. I use ivermectin injectable 4 cc per gallon of water for three days with no other source of water available. Worming now is excellent since you won;t be wasting many eggs. I like to worm birds when I move them for some reason because I know they are probably going to stop laying for a bit. But my plans don't often work out like that.
I worm quarterly but that is more than most. It's just very easy for me to track because I worm when the seasons change. The one time I didn't worm at season change. (this winter.. I lost a bird to worms.)
[COLOR=0000FF]I agree with Danz you should go ahead & treat them if you're seeing worms from the chickens. Not too many Vets will treat chickens.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]I just worm mine every 6 months, spring & fall on a regular basis. I know some do it more often but it seems to work OK for me. I read that if you free range your chickens it's just a given they're going to have worms.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Geez, what a cave man! Doesn't he know women use power tools all the time? I know a lot of us do anyway. I used to be intimidated by them, but necessity has made me get over that. If I waited on my DH to do everything I would never get anything done. My projects, especially those for chickens are way down on his list for getting done. I put up pens by myself all the time & I've built most of my hoop coops by myself too except for getting help to turn them over after I get the cattle panels on. I'm even using a grinder now, something I never used before.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]When I have added new young birds to the flock they eventually all will meld together. I really haven't noticed mine staying in any certain groups. Any changes made can slow down egg production just temporarily but it should pick up again. A broody shouldn't keep the others from laying if she isn't in their favorite nest box. Do you have her in a spot away from the main laying area or is she in one of the nest boxes? The usual rule of thumb for roosters is one rooster per 10 hens. I have 3 now in my laying flock but I have enough hens for them to cover. They tend to spread out with a group of hens to watch over them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]If you got chicks from a feed store they're not Ameraucanas, they're Easter Eggers.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Hatcheries don't sell true Ameraucanas, they sell them as such but they aren't.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]I've been so busy lately I haven't had much computer time, so I have to catch up every time I come back. I've got to go out now & get water done since I didn't get it done yesterday. It's just never ending it seems like with something to do.[/COLOR]

My broody hen is in a nest box and the most common one at that. So tonight my son and I moved her to another one that isn't used as often. We noticed she has gotten rid of (2) of the eggs. My son has read this is common for the hen to remove the non fertile eggs. The (4) remaining we seen webbing and air sacks. My son is so excited. Egg production was up today to 7 which is better then the 4-5 we had been getting but still not the 10-11 we were getting 2 weeks ago.

Thanks again for your input I always enjoy the help.
AshnCarson, I wouldn't have spent the money on Wazine. It's only good for round worms and not a great and effective wormer at that. It's cheap compared to some wormers, but if you have one kind of worm you can have others. I would use ivermectin alone if I were you in the future. And since you do have worms, repeat it in around 10 days. I use ivermectin injectable 4 cc per gallon of water for three days with no other source of water available. Worming now is excellent since you won;t be wasting many eggs. I like to worm birds when I move them for some reason because I know they are probably going to stop laying for a bit. But my plans don't often work out like that.
I worm quarterly but that is more than most. It's just very easy for me to track because I worm when the seasons change. The one time I didn't worm at season change. (this winter.. I lost a bird to worms.)
The reason I went with the wazine first is because I read that the Ivermectin can be harsh on them if they already have worms present? Any thoughts on that? I ave ivermectin pour-on

I have not done either yet, just want to make sure I am doing the best for them!

My broody hen is in a nest box and the most common one at that. So tonight my son and I moved her to another one that isn't used as often. We noticed she has gotten rid of (2) of the eggs. My son has read this is common for the hen to remove the non fertile eggs. The (4) remaining we seen webbing and air sacks. My son is so excited. Egg production was up today to 7 which is better then the 4-5 we had been getting but still not the 10-11 we were getting 2 weeks ago.
Last summer we let a broody hatch her first eggs but only let her keep the chicks for a week and we rehomed then....we let her do it again this year (we have no rooster, so I buy eggs from a friend) and we are going to keep the chicks much longer, right now they are 7-8 days old and SO much fun to watch what they learn from their mom. It is very exciting and I hope you enjoy it! Will you be keeping the chicks?
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I use Valbazen for worming because it works over time and will not overwhelm the bird's system with too many dead parasites. Just learned that this year. Previously, I was using Wazine, first, and then Valbazen. I switched to Valbazen because it is the only wormer effective against all parasites, the others kill most, but not all of them. I found that out when I added some birds from another flock and passed one of the birds to a friend. She found out it had the one kind of parasite not covered. So embarrassing, but it was a good thing she actually saw the parasite in the droppings and could determine what kind it was. I never saw them in the droppings but the one bird just had a continually messy backside until my buddy figured out what was going on. Problem solved with Valbazen. I think Ivermectin works so well for Danz because she never gets that particular parasite, and probably most people don't. I've had it here so that's what I will continue to use, just in case it's still in the soil. Valbazen is a lot of extra work also, you have to syringe it into their mouths. It is also expensive.
>>Geez, what a cave man! Doesn't he know women use power tools all the time? I know a lot of us do anyway. I used to be intimidated by them, but necessity has made me get over that. If I waited on my DH to do everything I would never get anything done. My projects, especially those for chickens are way down on his list for getting done. I put up pens by myself all the time & I've built most of my hoop coops by myself too except for getting help to turn them over after I get the cattle panels on. I'm even using a grinder now, something I never used before.<<

Well, it is kind of sweet, even though it's annoying. Still, I'm going to acclimate him to my using them. I need a couple hoop coops and he's not going to like that at all when I put them together when he's not looking, but he'll get used to it as I do more things without him looking over my shoulder.
I contacted admin "Nifty Chicken" and told him most of us are having notification problems on CK and he replied very quickly and said they knew of the issue but are now escalating the urgency of getting it solved. So
Quote: No you don't use ivermectin pour on for worms. That works for mites and external parasites. They might absorb some of it but not enough to do an effective job. You would need Ivermectin injectable.

I use Valbazen for worming because it works over time and will not overwhelm the bird's system with too many dead parasites. Just learned that this year. Previously, I was using Wazine, first, and then Valbazen. I switched to Valbazen because it is the only wormer effective against all parasites, the others kill most, but not all of them. I found that out when I added some birds from another flock and passed one of the birds to a friend. She found out it had the one kind of parasite not covered. So embarrassing, but it was a good thing she actually saw the parasite in the droppings and could determine what kind it was. I never saw them in the droppings but the one bird just had a continually messy backside until my buddy figured out what was going on. Problem solved with Valbazen. I think Ivermectin works so well for Danz because she never gets that particular parasite, and probably most people don't. I've had it here so that's what I will continue to use, just in case it's still in the soil. Valbazen is a lot of extra work also, you have to syringe it into their mouths. It is also expensive.
I mentioned ivermectin because she said she had some. I actually use Safeguard wormer one time and ivermectin the next. Safeguard will kill capilliary worms, cecal worms and tape worms where invermectin won't kill cecals or capilliary worms. Neither is actually rated for tape worms but according to HEChicken the ivermectin works better than Valbazen on tape worms. I tend to believe that, because they are the hardest worm to alleviate. Panacur is what vets usually use in a three day dose for tape worms and that is the same medication febendazole, that is in safeguard.
Ivermectin has a reputation because it is the medication used to prevent heart worms. If it kills a bunch of heart worms in a dog it can block the valves and kill the dog. So it has a reputation of being strong. It is actually very safe as a chicken wormer. Any wormer is going to be hard on any animal. The important thing is to make sure the animal is in other wise good health and supplement with probiotics or good greens etc while worming. They actually get very little wormer at a time cause it is mixed weak and they hesitate to drink any more than they have to.
All wormers have their benefits I guess. I figure by worming one time with one and the next with the other I am catching all ends.

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