Consolidated Kansas

Yay! Our cell tower has been down since last night until just a few minutes ago. I thought the lack of notifications was difficult! The lack of WiFi sent me into withdrawal. Poor me. LOL!

I have to run but just wanted to check in real quick and say I hadn't fallen off the world again!
For sure on the adoption of children, my hat is off to anyone who adopts but especially as Danz said for children with special needs or issues. That takes a world of patience & perseverance.

We got a bunch of rain during the night so I'm sure it's a mud hole out there. I haven't gone out yet but I know it's going to be slick on this hill. Danz now you know what I mean by having to deal with this hill on a daily basis. When it rains hard the rain just runs down the driveway like a raging river & washes down into the yard. I tried to divert it with a rock wall & the goats destroyed part of it that I haven't gotten fixed yet since my knee surgery. I need to work on it again & add more rocks. It does usually divert most of the water around my pens. I'm glad for the rain but we don't need it all at once. It seems like that's how it goes though, all or none.
Yes I don't envy you at all. It's a nasty mud hole out here but if it were hilly like your place it would be awful.
Quote: I'm glad she is doing better.
Yay! Our cell tower has been down since last night until just a few minutes ago. I thought the lack of notifications was difficult! The lack of WiFi sent me into withdrawal. Poor me. LOL!

I have to run but just wanted to check in real quick and say I hadn't fallen off the world again!
Yay! I suffer without internet. It's like my main communication to the world. If I need to know anything I run in here and look it up.
I just got in from feeding. I had one blind hen who functioned quite well as long as she was in her pen and not elsewhere. She even climbed the ramp to lay eggs. Apparently when that violent storm hit last evening she wasn't able to navigate to safety. I found her in the middle of the pen soaking wet and laying down in the mud deceased. She wasn't a bird I needed. She was just an amazing bird with a will to survive and function regardless of her blindness.
I still have my blind albino turkey as well. I'm kind of concerned about what I will do with her when I move the other birds to the new building. She needs familiarity to get around.
I moved the gold laced orpingtons to the building and need to pull out some pullets to add to them.
Aww thanks!!! That's so sweet of you to say. We definitely hope to have our own. Altho outwardly I blend into our community flawlessly, I'm definitely quite a bit different than the average run of 20 something girls in what I like to do and the things I'm interested in. I'm looking forward to someday having someone who actually 'gets' why I am the way I am because they're that way too. That maybe sounds weird. At the same time I want to adopt to sort of pay it forward because I'm so thankful for all I've been given.
How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I will be 28 next month. Having a daughter is almost already almost 12 1/2 years old has made me into a "not average" 20 year old as well!
I just took my most favorite chick photo!! They are all jumping up on mom to try to get high up and check out the top of the enclosure! So funny! I love how the photo shows of mom's pretty green colors!

Welcome back @Deerfield Acres

@Trish44 Your property is awesome but I can definitely see what a slippery nightmare it could be, especially with that knee. You be careful!

@ashncarson Raising myself from 8 on, and moving out at 15, first apartment by 17, I was never the typical 20 either. At 32 I feel I am finally moving toward my actual age
I dont' plan to be the typical 30 something either, I'm proud of my years, and my silver hairs.
@ashncarson Raising myself from 8 on, and moving out at 15, first apartment by 17, I was never the typical 20 either. At 32 I feel I am finally moving toward my actual age
I dont' plan to be the typical 30 something either, I'm proud of my years, and my silver hairs.
Oh, I know all about silver hairs! I have autoimmune arthritis so sometimes I feel much older than 27. It is great that you can look back at everything you have done and be proud of it!
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LOL @Prairie Fleur
It's just a dream as of yet. Now my niece on the other hand is my main concern. She is going through all of the typical teenage stuff with the added confusion of feeling out of place, and then seeing her bio family and seeing where her height and features come from. She has finally seen how lucky she has been with her family, her bio siblings miss out on a lot that she is privaliged to have. I love my nieces, they fill the need for the feminine girly stuff, and make me thankful I have boys LOL

I just finished caponizing two males from my first hatch of this year. I decided to leave one fellow intact to see how he develops, he is a pretty fellow. I'll be doing the second hatch next week, I think I'll continue to do 2 to 3 at a time, it can be tiring hard on the back!
I can identify with her. I'm going thru some of that still myself. Guess you finally have to learn to accept yourself for what you are. I haven't met my bio family. Don't kno if I ever will or not but maybe. :)
How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I will be 28 next month. Having a daughter is almost already almost 12 1/2 years old has made me into a "not average" 20 year old as well!
I just took my most favorite chick photo!! They are all jumping up on mom to try to get high up and check out the top of the enclosure! So funny! I love how the photo shows of mom's pretty green colors!
So adorable!!!!!!
Welcome back @Deerfield Acres @Trish44 Your property is awesome but I can definitely see what a slippery nightmare it could be, especially with that knee. You be careful! @ashncarson Raising myself from 8 on, and moving out at 15, first apartment by 17, I was never the typical 20 either. At 32 I feel I am finally moving toward my actual age ;) I dont' plan to be the typical 30 something either, I'm proud of my years, and my silver hairs.
I'm 24. I've been married for 6 years now. :) DH is 4 years older than me, and the best husband and sweetheart I could ever imagine. Better than I could have imagined really. :love Wow, Tara, I admire you for all you've been thru and everything. :hugs
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So adorable!!!!!!
I'm 24. I've been married for 6 years now.
DH is 4 years older than me, and the best husband and sweetheart I could ever imagine. Better than I could have imagined really.
Very cool! We will celebrate our 10 year anniversary this summer with a trip to Seattle, we have a 12 1/2 year old daughter and our son turns 8 this Friday! My hubby just turned 30, so for a month is 3 years older than me! I am so glad you found someone who fits your perfectly! That is the best thing ever!
We are beginning the ugly dinosaur stage, but with 12 fewer they will be happy for longer in their 4x4 space.

I'm crossing my fingers that the chicks will be feathered enough and the weather will cooperate to put them out in the hen house by the end of the month, we're supposed to go to Texas for 4 days for a graduation and I hate to have anyone else have to take care of brooder chicks. Time will tell, worse comes to worst I can always hang them a light I suppose, since I do have power to the coop.

2.5 Inches of rain on Monday night, another half inch over night last night and more in the forecast. I lost one tomato plant to some pea sized hail, and another was sheered off by something creepy crawly.
Has anyone tried diatomaceous earth as an insect repellent in the garden?
I have some that I use around the coop and the areas where the dogs spend the most time. I don't suppose it could hurt, it beats buying expensive chemicals and I won't have to worry about giving the girls weeds out of the garden.


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