Consolidated Kansas

Wow! You've only been married 4 years longer than us. :) I thought 5 years was forever away when we got married and now we're past it and our 10th will be here before we know it! I haven't been ready for kids yet with being sick and everything but I hope we can start thinking about that before Too long! :)

DE is one of the things I like to use in the garden. The only time you want to be careful with it is during pollination. If it gets on the blossoms it can injure the bees that pollinate the plant, if not kill them. It's great on the ground anytime and fine of the leave now.
I haven't fallen off the face of the earth either but feel like I might as well have. Got home from Hawaii and guess combo of being tired and not used to chill and trying to get stuff planted... I came down with pneumonia. Man this stuff hangs ON. Knew I was sick til I went to doc and they told me with X-rays. Now I gave it to sis and still not shaking the darned stuff after 2 weeks! It's funny because we cough, Petey screams. My pea and of course he is on front porch to evade the weather. If you parked in front of the house at night it would be very noisy.

Cough cough. Pea screams, yell shut up! Pea screams, Cough cuz I yelled, more pea screams... Cough cough scream scream..I Love u Petey! Scream scream

This goes on all day and night! Really hilarious! I love my Petey!

On the invermectin pour on issue it no works for mites here and I have had an incidence of blindness so no longer use use it. It does not get internal worms that I know of at all. Fyi
I just took my most favorite chick photo!! They are all jumping up on mom to try to get high up and check out the top of the enclosure! So funny! I love how the photo shows of mom's pretty green colors!

I love that photo, so cute!

We got more rain last night & probably will have more today some time. I managed to get the chores all done just in time for the first rain that came through so thank goodness I didn't have to get soaked this time. I guess the ponds that have all been dry might get filled up again with all of this.
The problem with pour on ivermectin for mites is that you have to repeat it in 7 days or the new eggs hatch and you are back to square one, plus the bedding and coop needs to be treated as well. They crawl in the cracks between wood and such and those have to be treated or they will keep infecting. I spray the coops with Permethrin to make sure there is no lice or mites any where. It's kind of like worming. If you have a case of worms and don't do the second worming 10 days later you will have worms. It's always best to do preventative treating rather than treating for an infestation. Sevin works well as well but it can be a dust hazard.
Sorry you have pneumonia, thndrdancr. Been there several times. Vaccination worked for me after battling it over and over. Hope you get well soon.

I am really sick of rain. It's predicted to rain here again and all afternoon starting in about an hour. Sickening!!! I should be out choring before it starts but I really just need a while to chill with my coffee.
Hope you get to feeling better @thndrdancr . This has been a hell of a year for breathing issues. Several freinds and family have had pnemonia and most people's asthma has been aweful. I have used my inhailer more this year than in the 7 years since I moved back from VA.

I read the other day that they localized the protein that causes asthma this is big news for medical advances.

Here is the article
Tarabella I too have asthma and it has been a terrible year for it. Interesting study. Perhaps some day they'll find a cure using this information.
It's been raining here for a couple of hours. I'm not a happy camper. Any project I want to work on stuff is either out in the building, the barn or the house and the other stuff is elsewhere. Trekking back and forth in the rain is no fun. It would be so nice to have a central location for all the tools and have all the projects done so things didn't end up here and there.
Anyone ever had problems with stray tom cats killing small chickens? I am losing my 10 week old chickens but I can't find any clues? No noise no feathers and all during day time. At first I thought it was a hawk but I never see any flying around. But we have had a couple stray toms. We have no problem with our cats the chickens actually eat out of the cats dish with the cats. Since these stray cats are the only thing my family sees on a regular basis is making me believe it might be them. I have looked in the out buildings all around equipment but can't find any trace of feathers.
Last summer we let a broody hatch her first eggs but only let her keep the chicks for a week and we rehomed then....we let her do it again this year (we have no rooster, so I buy eggs from a friend) and we are going to keep the chicks much longer, right now they are 7-8 days old and SO much fun to watch what they learn from their mom. It is very exciting and I hope you enjoy it! Will you be keeping the chicks?

Yes we will keep the chicks and raise them well the hens any way the roosters we will harvest. We started with 6 eggs and 4 are still under her fingers crossed for next week.
@Ron Rose no way to be certain without seeing it, but I'd put my money on the strays taking advantage of an easy meal. On the bright side most cats are easier to trap than some predator.

@chicken danz The Scientist that discovered the protien says that a treatment could be ready for human trials in as little as 2 years.
I,d put my money on something else either a fox or you are not seeing the hawk. My opinion is that the cat would eat them right there. I have never had a problem with cats on anything other than baby chicks

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