Consolidated Kansas

I spent the day at an auction yesterday trying to buy a metal lean-to building. It wasn't what I really wanted or as big but I am desperate for more peafowl housing. After I waited in the rain all day for that one item the seller said he wouldn't sell for my price. I held my ground. We were only $50 off but I knew he had to haul it back about 35 miles to their location if it didn't sell. I started to walk away and he said to let me have it. We were talking hundreds here but $50 makes a difference to me.
It wasn't supposed to rain today but so far it's just come down non-stop. Some how I need a clear day so I can get this building loaded and moved here. I have to have it done by the end of the day tomorrow cause DH will be back at work after that. I don't think I'll be able to move it where I want then, but at least if it's here we can move it later.
I've totally lost count of all the inches of rain we've gotten. I was talking to some people that live just 15 miles east of us and they had only gotten about 1/2" of rain in all this. They couldn't believe how much water there was around this area. My poor birds are going to have swamp foot at this rate.
I have the broody crew. I have eight hens..Three are Polish and the rest are assorted bantams. Had one go broody a month ago and let her hatch some eggs. Now, I have a bantam that is broody and a POLISH that is broody! She's like Jurassic chicken. I didn't think my Polish would be going broody. I'm just hoping that none of the others catch the fever.

Jenny I am just the opposite we will go on vacation in two weeks and I ,d like two of my silkies to go broody so I can unload incubator and let mom do it. Happy moms day to all you moms out there
I have had a wonderful weekend with my family! My husband was gone on business for the whole of last workweek, and we've just been swamped with the end of school (we should be done by Friday!!) and kid activities, so it was nice to just be home and enjoy one another.

The big kid flock and little kid flocks we integrated yesterday seem to be doing okay. No one has died or has had serious injuries, which is always a good sign!
I sat and babysat them for about an hour after we removed the see-through divider in the brooder. The 2 5-week-old Barred Plymouth Rock hens seem to be the most bossy to the little chicks. This surprises me, because our Barred Plymouth Rocks are the closest breed to lap bird we have discovered thus far! Oh well. We have a 5-week-old Barred Plymouth Rock roos, too, and he seems to actually protect the little chicks from the rest of the "big kids." As if saying, "All this is ours!" the older chickens have been sleeping on top of the little chicks' EcoGlow, as well as eating from their feeder and drinking from the waterers hung low for the little chicks instead of the ones hung high for them. Silly birds. Oh, well. They'll figure it out.

My husband got the chickens' coop door complete last weekend, as well as the beginnings of their daytime run done. I don't know what he used to cut the square, but I know there was a lot of concrete dust and noise. The door slides up and down, and It's hung on a pulley system that can be accessed from outside of the run, so that we can just raise the door without going into the run if we want.

These are a few of our 7-month-old hens. There are 8 of them. We usually get at least two-three eggs a day from them, and sometimes as many as 5.

This is one of our 5-week-old Silkies.

This is our 5-week-old Barred Plymouth Rock Rooster, Rocky.

This is our Double-Laced Barnevelder, Speedy. This hen is FAST on her feet, hence the name.

This is my Frizzle Bantam, Tina (as in Tina Turner). I was a little disappointed that Tina didn't have the real frizzle-like feathers that some frizzles do, but I'm kind of secretly hoping they'll frizz a little more after her first molt. However, the place I ordered from said not all their frizzles come out frizzled. This is the one my husband likes.
My husband got the chickens' coop door complete last weekend, as well as the beginnings of their daytime run done. I don't know what he used to cut the square, but I know there was a lot of concrete dust and noise. The door slides up and down, and It's hung on a pulley system that can be accessed from outside of the run, so that we can just raise the door without going into the run if we want.

TThis is our 5-week-old Barred Plymouth Rock Rooster, Rocky.
I love seeing your photos! I love the door to your coop and your little barred rock, we used to have a barred rock/cochin mix named Apple Jack. The other roosters picked on him and he hid from them with me, I sure miss him
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hmmmmm.,...any ideas on what this chick might be? The eggs came from a mixer of chickens. Wyandottes (one rooser is a blue laced red wyandotte) australorps, buff and new hampshire....I am thinking maybe a boy because of how thick the comb already is? What type of comb is that? They are a day or two over 2 weeks old.

Also I wonder about the one in the back as far as what its mixture might be! I think I might have a bunch of roos. The chicks last year we hatched but gave away at a week old where all hens (all 7 of them)
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Well I got a summer job in Wyoming and I just know I'm going to be in serious chicken withdrawal. I look forward to the job but I don't know how I'm going to go without seeing the flock every day! I live with my mom so I know they are in good hands, but I worry my friendliest birds who like to be held and petted won't remember me when I get back :(
ashncarson that one looks like a wyandotte mix, they have a rose comb. It looks like it has Silver Laced markings coming in.

Grain Gypsy your birds are looking good & I like the red pop door.

Henagerie congrats on the summer job, that should be fun. I'm sure your mom will take good care of your chickens for you, but I understand why you would miss them. I miss mine even when I go on vacation & worry about them.

I hope it drys out a little the next couple days before the monsoons come again. It's so muddy here I can't even walk in some of my pens, it's awful. We need to spread out the rain more for when we really need it.
I'm back after spending the weekend in NE with my parents and brother. We had a wonderful time! It's raining there too and kind of slowed us down Saturday when we went driving around the community. They needed the rain tho so I'm glad they got it. Got home after midnight and my friends who did chores Saturday told us they'd do at least some of them Sunday too so we wouldn't have so much to do when we got home. I was so pleased! It was Very sweet of them and saved us a lot of work when we were already exhausted. I haven't been out yet today. I want to check on everybody and I want to start worming my goats today. I also need to clean up the post trip mess inside. End of school is this week for my nephews & niece and 'little sisters' so we have all that this weeks as well.
One sad thing upon checking chicks was that Cruiser and one of my black Am chicks had died while we were gone. :hit DH was so fond of Cruiser that I felt awful but I took it harder than he did I think.
It's high time for me to get my garden going and the yard could use some mowing and the goats need their new pasture fenced in sorbet can be moved. It's tim to go get a couple more alpacas for Hope to be with and there's things to do so that can be done as well. There's a million and 1 things to do but having a break was lovely and hopefully things will work out and there will be a bit of a lull in the chem application so I can be outside.
I'm back after spending the weekend in NE with my parents and brother. We had a wonderful time! It's raining there too and kind of slowed us down Saturday when we went driving around the community. They needed the rain tho so I'm glad they got it. Got home after midnight and my friends who did chores Saturday told us they'd do at least some of them Sunday too so we wouldn't have so much to do when we got home. I was so pleased! It was Very sweet of them and saved us a lot of work when we were already exhausted. I haven't been out yet today. I want to check on everybody and I want to start worming my goats today. I also need to clean up the post trip mess inside. End of school is this week for my nephews & niece and 'little sisters' so we have all that this weeks as well.
One sad thing upon checking chicks was that Cruiser and one of my black Am chicks had died while we were gone.
DH was so fond of Cruiser that I felt awful but I took it harder than he did I think.
It's high time for me to get my garden going and the yard could use some mowing and the goats need their new pasture fenced in sorbet can be moved. It's tim to go get a couple more alpacas for Hope to be with and there's things to do so that can be done as well. There's a million and 1 things to do but having a break was lovely and hopefully things will work out and there will be a bit of a lull in the chem application so I can be outside.
Sorry for your loss!!! How heartbreaking!

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