Consolidated Kansas

I'm back after spending the weekend in NE with my parents and brother. We had a wonderful time! It's raining there too and kind of slowed us down Saturday when we went driving around the community. They needed the rain tho so I'm glad they got it. Got home after midnight and my friends who did chores Saturday told us they'd do at least some of them Sunday too so we wouldn't have so much to do when we got home. I was so pleased! It was Very sweet of them and saved us a lot of work when we were already exhausted. I haven't been out yet today. I want to check on everybody and I want to start worming my goats today. I also need to clean up the post trip mess inside. End of school is this week for my nephews & niece and 'little sisters' so we have all that this weeks as well.
One sad thing upon checking chicks was that Cruiser and one of my black Am chicks had died while we were gone.
DH was so fond of Cruiser that I felt awful but I took it harder than he did I think.
It's high time for me to get my garden going and the yard could use some mowing and the goats need their new pasture fenced in sorbet can be moved. It's tim to go get a couple more alpacas for Hope to be with and there's things to do so that can be done as well. There's a million and 1 things to do but having a break was lovely and hopefully things will work out and there will be a bit of a lull in the chem application so I can be outside.
Do you know why you lost Cruiser? they are pretty tender chicks. I've lost a couple of them but it was because they got run over by older chicks. I wish you were closer. I'd be making sure you had a pair.
" Mystery solved" .... Definitely a lil ROO!! He is already trying to crow at 6 1/2 weeks!! Is that normal???
I hear weak attempts to crow in my brooder. Then some birds will be a year old when they crow. I guess they do it when the feel a need.
I'm guessing my Isabell is really an Ivan. My only problem is i live in a subdivision and can't have a rooster. Another problem is I have another Bantam that has grown up with him and when I am holding or messing with the other the will not stop chirping for the other. I do have 4 silkies that are 3 weeks younger and with the bantams but hate to separate the 2 anyone interested in both by chance.
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I'm guessing my Isabell is really an Ivan. My only problem is i live in a subdivision and can't have a rooster. Another problem is I have another Bantam that has grown up with him and when I am holding or messing with the other the will not stop chirping for the other. I do have 4 silkies that are 3 weeks younger and with the bantams but hate to separate the 2 anyone interested in both by chance.
He looks pretty young. Maybe you should wait until he is feathered in better to decide.
He is only 5 weeks, and I'm not ready to let him/ her go,yet. I love that they come a running when I put my hand in cage looking for whatever I have. I will keep praying he is a her.
Will he only try to assert his dominance in the pecking order with other cockerels in the flock or will he play "king of the mountain" and be aggressive with the pullets too?
Our first rooster, a Silver-Spangled Hamburg, started crowing at 5 weeks on the dot. It sounded hilarious. We were also surprised, as first-time chicken keepers, that she (Katie Perry) ended up being a he (we shortened it to Perry). Perry was actually a nice roo, and didn't try to dominate the other hens...except for one who we're convinced thinks she is a roo. I have 3 roos in the cage together right now. 2 5-week-old roos (a Barred Plymouth Rock and Brahma Bantam), as well as a Red Star rooster that is 2 weeks. The Barred Plymouth Rock roo and the Brahma Bantam seem to get on okay for now. The Barred Plymouth Rock roo actually protects the 2-week-old chicks from the 5-week-old hens who get the inclination to be bullies sometimes. Our 2-week-old Red Star roo is a cowardly little fellow right now. Our first roo, Perry, was actually dominated by his hens for a while. They forced him off of the roosting poles in the coop for their first couple of weeks in the coop. Then they finally decided to play nice and let him roost, too. Silly chickens. It's like a soap opera every day with them!
Will he only try to assert his dominance in the pecking order with other cockerels in the flock or will he play "king of the mountain" and be aggressive with the pullets too?
I am asking because he seems to be going around with one other particular chick that we thought was a pullet, but now we aren't sure. Those two stare each other down, pull on each others combs pretty hard and they flare up their feathers at each other and chest bump. Are both of these cockerels? Would a pullet behave this way against a cockerel?

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