Consolidated Kansas

Thanks Ivy, I really don't want to move either. I envisioned myself being in this house pretty much forever. Sigh.

I do have a serious question! Zorro (my cockerel that arrived last week) is panting! Surely he can not be hot?? They are in the garage in an extra large wire crate with plenty of room to flap about and run around. I do have a heat lamp above them in the corner. I suppose I can turn that off. So then... but still, it's not hot in there, the garage door has been open all day long and has a breeze going in there. What could this be??? Why would he be panting? What about worming?? Should I think about doing that? I do have that Wazine stuff. (never used it before) I'm going to turn off the heat lamp here and see what happens... but I'm worried.
Yeah, turn the heat light off. Put a thermometer in where your light is. You might be surprised how hot it gets. Adult chickens should not need extra heat on a day like today.

I really don't know what it might be. It could be stress from shipping.

Is he stretching his neck and making a yawning type motion? You might try putting a little VetRX on his comb, wattles and a little on his beak. It acts like a decongestant for a chicken. Without knowing more, it's hard to say. Keep observing him.

I would not worm him at this point. Worming can be hard on any animal, and I don't think I would stress him right away like that. You might check with the breeder that shipped him to see if she has any ideas. Wish I was more knowlegable about silkies, but I've never had any.
Okay, he's not panting anymore, but it still concerns me. The light is off. Okay- another question, about every 15 minutes (not very often) the other Splash silkie will sneeze. Is she coming down sick? I don't have any VetRX-- is this something the farm store has? I did look for it the other day and did not see it, but perhaps I didn't look good enough. What about Duramycin? Does any of this help congestion? What about Corid- does it help congestion? I suppose the sneeze every now and then could be congestion? I just noticed her doing that today. Hmmm... I can tell I'm going to be going in and out to check on them a lot tonight.
Okay, just did a search on Corrid and Duramycin, and think I understand what they are for now. I had no idea. Corrid is for cocci and Duramycin is just for infection and respiratory stuff. I looked at their poo and no blood or anything. I went out there to look at them again and Zorro (who was panting) is now fine and laying down for night. The other Splash sneezed again right when I looked out there. So then I sat out there for several more minutes and no more sneezing--but she IS sneezing off and on. But perhaps she got a cold from shipping? It was raining those two days they were shipped. Or... just sneezing or sneeze? Sigh.
I was going to circulate this flyer to try to find a close place to keep birds and maybe some other critters but mainly coturnix quail. What do you all think, do you think I will get any bites?

Lease/Rent quotes wanted for building and land to keep poultry and livestock

Property must be zoned for livestock and within ~6 miles of Riley.
Your quote should include monthly charges for water and power usage.
I’m looking to spend $75-$150 a month also willing to provide occasional free eggs and or meat to land owner if desired and would be willing to include a few hours of light labor in exchange for some of my cost to rent. I’m also willing to pay a large lump sum at the beginning of the lease to cover most or the entire lease / rental contract which is wanted from Oct. / Nov. 2012- Oct. / Nov. 2014. This would be a great opportunity for someone to make some extra money off of an unused outbuilding and a little land.
Building should include – Concrete / solid floor
-Have power and water
-Be 80 – 400 sq. ft.
Land should be - 1/4 – 2 acres
- Semi level
-must be able to build easily removed
pens and possibly build fence.
I want to start getting quotes, discussing details and, making arrangements ASAP.
Call Tony @ ***-***-**** to discuss opportunities and my intentions.
I think it sounds reasonable, but I've never done anything like that before. Someone just might be sitting on some property that is just sitting there. It might just work out for you.
The breeder said to give my sneezing splash Oxytet. But since I don't have that, she said Duramycin will work for now, but said the Oxytet is more effective. Wondering if my farm store will be open tomorrow?! I hope so! Anyway, I just had to give them all the Duramycin in the water because I have no way to sort out just one of them right now. My other pen is being used by Seymore at night to sleep in the garage. Sigh. So I hope it's okay they are all getting antibiotics.
Keckels- congrats on catching a coon! What are you going to do with him?

Ivy- this morning, I'm not hearing the little Splash sneeze.... BUT now Zorro is raising his neck up and opening his mouth just like you described!! I called my vet, but they are closed today. I sure hope they are open tomorrow!! Does he need Baytril?? That's what I'm going to ask for. I called my horse vet too- to see if they were by chance open this morning, but they said they don't open until Saturday. Yikes. I do have some Baytril pills here! They are for my dogs, so I keep a big bottle of them on hand. Can I crush them and mix them with water to give???? HOw much???

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