Consolidated Kansas

They seem better as the day wears on. I took them all out of the pen and cleaned it out and replaced their shavings. I scrubbed out their water too with soap and they are all back in and checking things out again. I think I caught it in time. I'm soooo relieved I did not throw them in with my young birds. (not that I would have-- you all have taught me that much!!) They looked so healthy when they came! I think the stress of shipping put them under. The guy I got my antibiotics from, he ships his pigeons world wide, and he said that their sudden respiratory was likely from the stress. Anyway-- I've been cleaning chicken stuff all morning. Then I started in on my house. We have another dinner later today, and I just finished making my dish to bring. I need to get in the shower.

OH! and as if I don't have enough things to keep me busy-- replacement tadpoles arrived today (Alive!!). Remember the dead ones I got over the summer? 'Uncle Milton' felt that NOW was a great time to send us more. I was sort of done and over them. But now we have two swimming tadpoles. Great.

Rittert, thanks for the heads up on the clorox.
I'm home but not really up to sitting on the computer yet. Things went as planned but I was hoping to feel better by now. I'm not ready to jump into the middle of things yet. I'm still unable to swallow most things so that my biggest complaint. I had a half bowl of chicken noodle soup for Thanksgiving. Sure wasn't what I had in mind. According to the doc I have to wait a couple weeks before I can haul feed buckets to the coops. I lost some of my young chicks I left here in the house. DH didn't think to check for pasty butt. But without him I would be lost.
I'm mostly just cat napping and laying around. I've been running a little fever and that makes me lazy.
Missed talking to all of you.
Glad you are home we have a been wondering about you!!! Take it easy and you will be back and going in no time at all. Just hope the surgery has done its job, and the pain will go away!!
Danz, so excited to see you "well". That's too bad you are running a fever- I hope it's not anything serious? Keep an eye on that and don't work too hard yet. I'm really sorry about the pasty butt. That is sad, but I'm glad that the rest of the birds are okay. I hope your DH is taking really good care of you and keeping an eye on your temp. Maybe it's time to eat ice cream shakes for a while if you still can't swallow too well? I hope you start to feeling better soon. I've been thinking about you every day and praying for you every time I get the chance. So, so glad to hear from you!
CanChaser - do you candle the eggs? If you don't, ask and you will probably gets lots of how to's on that. It is not hard. But. when I am wondering what is going on inside an egg, I will candle it. That will not tell you everything you want to know, but sometimes any info is better than none. You can tell if they have piped into the air sack yet, if they are still moving, etc. Sometimes the only movement will be just the motion of their breathing.

I hope your current hatch has worked out ok. Some chicks are just slower hatching. I just saw this so my reply is late for you. Sorry. I have not seen what kind of incubator you use. If it is a still air (no fan) then there are "hot" and "cold" spots in them because of the air not being moved around. The cooler spots will hatch later than the warmer spots. Also the size of the eggs can affect the hatch. The larger the eggs the higher they are in the bator and warmer, etc. A fan in a bator is a good thing.

I've been offline for a couple days. Our stupid receiver on the roof quits working when it rains, then it takes several days to dry out. It is aggravating. Sure would be nice if they would get it fixed (our ISP) but they always come up with some other idea. We lease the equipment on the roof (thank goodness we didn't BUY the junk!) and you would think you could get them to maintain it. Well, enough ranting and raving from me.

My little old enlish hen is doing better. I gave her some baytril and I gave some to the rooster that was in the same pen with her. She is still in the house, but is going to have to go outside before too long.

My German wirehaired dachshund got loose today. He is a chicken killing machine. He killed one of my golden lakenvelder roosters.
He actually tore through a chain link dog kennel to get loose. Powerful little dog. I thought my hubby was going to kill that dog. He just cannot be trusted to be loose in the yard at all. He is obsessed with killing chickens. I'm just glad he didn't get more than just the one rooster.

Danz-I'm so glad to hear you are out of the hospital. Take care of yourself. I've been thinking about you and saying prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

CanChaser-Any more luck with your hatches? Let's see some pics of the ones you got.

I've been getting pullet eggs from my golden lakenvelders, black and wheaten ameraucanas and my black copper marans. I wish I could start doing some hatching, but I just don't have good facilities for raising chicks over the winter.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I am so grateful I have so much to be thankful for. I feel like I have been blessed. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, but being a manager at Wal-Mart, I guess you can figure out where I spent my Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, I am so grateful for so many things. Life is good, even if my age has brought on so much arthritis and aches and pains. I'm looking forward to the Christmas season and being able to have my boys home for some quality time.
IVY, I'm sorry to hear about your Lakenvelder rooster. I'm glad your other birds are doing better though.

We had quite a last few days, spend hours & hours in the car, whew! We went to Missouri to see DH's family for Thanksgiving, 5 hours down there one way. Then Friday we had to drive from there to OKC to pick up my son & then back home, 8 hours in the car, ugh. Then Sat. drove up to Council Grove to pick up our new GP puppies& back, another 4 1'2 hours in the car. Today is my granddaughter's birthday party & then DH has to drive my son back to OKC again. I'm not getting in the car again today, it's killing my knees, it's hard on the arthritic joints to ride in the car that long. I will post some pics of the new pups as soon as they get acclimated a little, they were pretty scared last night after their ride & then to a strange place without momma & their siblings. I was told they have been in the barn with the chickens for awhile & have been doing very well with them, so we'll see how they do with mine.

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving & are recovered from the food coma! I probably don't need to eat for a week.

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