Consolidated Kansas

HI all!
I know I haven't posted in a while, but I peeked in a few times just to see what's going on.
Last week was a pretty bad week for me (yes, again). Went into the hospital Turkeyday night and got out on Sunday, then was in and out of the Er many times since then. They did do another botox injection last tuesday. This time it was a different doctor, but I couldn't reach my current doc, so I hope I wasn't letting him step on her toes by allowing him to do it, but today I'm starting to notice a difference again. I only hope this time the "feel good days" last more than a week.

My silkie babies are due to hatch anytime this week! I'm checking them a few times a day. Well, just lifting momma's belly and peeking really. :) I can't wait till I hear/see the first one! I'll post pics.

Also came on to ask a question. It might just be the time of the year, but I saw not one, but two!, mice in the coop last night when putting up the girls. How bad is it to have them in there? They are apparently nesting in the extra haybales I put in there to keep the birds warm. I'm sure if they caught them they'd eat them, but who knows how much they'll come out during the day....
Hawkeye- Thanks, I like it because it is unique, cant wait to fix it up next spring. The only area on teh little chick that is still a tad fluff is on very topof her head and even there you have to really look to see. The neck is fully feathered those are just white laced in black on the neck, but then I guess there are still a few small places. Maybe I should wait to take her out.? She is about 6 weeks old. My others are out there are doing great,
Hawkeye, well I know what you mean about the wind I was out in it all morning putting up the netting on my new turkey pen & then I had to put up two tarps by myself in the wind. Whew, by the time I fought that & got it all up & got the turkeys moved in the pen I was just pooped out. I'm going to get my wheaten Amerauacana rooster & hen from Josie's DH today & drop off my Black Ameraucana roo that is going to a gal up by where they live so I had to get the turkey pen done this morning so I could have the pen for them. I didn't get to work at all on the pen yesterday either because we ended up making a mad last minute dash to exchange my granddaughter's electric scooter we got her for her birthday. It was so aggravating, we had gotten it all put together & charged it overnight & then it didn't work, so we had to make a fast run up to Target at Derby to take it back & then they didn't have that one in the store so we had to get another higher priced model. Then the helmet we got to match the scooter didn't match so we had to get a different color for that too & then I had to hurry home & re-wrap that really fast because I had it wrapped already & then barely made it over to their house to celebrate her birthday. It turned out OK, the new one actually did have enough charge for her to ride it some while we were there. It was so funny because first she tried it just in the yard & the first time she got on she didn't realize how fast it would go & oh I wish I had my camera at that moment because the look on her face was just priceless! But she kept getting on & finally got good enough to go out to the sidewalk & really got good at it in a short time. She is going to have so much fun on that thing. Her other grandpa said Amber better watch her or she would be hopping on that & ending up down at Braum's before she knew it, she just may too knowing her. We did have a good time at her birthday party, it's always nice to be able to see her & spend time with her.

tweety, you were posting when I was, I'm sorry you're still having so many problems, I hope this treatment works for you.

I think once the turkeys get used to their new pen they will really like having all of that room, the new pen is about twice the size of the other one. You should have seen me catching those turkeys & carrying them to the new pen. I didn't think they would go in there voluntarily because they have never been in there before so I caught them & carried them in one by one. Then hens weren't too bad, but when I got to the tom wow I knew he was good sized, but I hadn't realized how heavy he had gotten. I was huffing & puffing by the time I got him over there.

Well I hope you all have a good rest of the day, I'm going to be busy until much later going up to pick up birds & leaving one. I also need to pick up a couple more cheap tarps for the sides of the turkey pen on the way back. I wanted to get at least enough to block most of the wind first off, so I did that & now I need to finish it.
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Maidenwolf that bird is definitely part brahma although I see no feathering on her legs. Guess she could be a brahma pheonix mix. She looks old enough to go out to me. I would do it now cause it is supposed to get cold this weekend. You sure don't want to introduce her to cold weather in the beginning.
HI all!
I know I haven't posted in a while, but I peeked in a few times just to see what's going on.
Last week was a pretty bad week for me (yes, again). Went into the hospital Turkeyday night and got out on Sunday, then was in and out of the Er many times since then. They did do another botox injection last tuesday. This time it was a different doctor, but I couldn't reach my current doc, so I hope I wasn't letting him step on her toes by allowing him to do it, but today I'm starting to notice a difference again. I only hope this time the "feel good days" last more than a week.

My silkie babies are due to hatch anytime this week! I'm checking them a few times a day. Well, just lifting momma's belly and peeking really. :) I can't wait till I hear/see the first one! I'll post pics.

Also came on to ask a question. It might just be the time of the year, but I saw not one, but two!, mice in the coop last night when putting up the girls. How bad is it to have them in there? They are apparently nesting in the extra haybales I put in there to keep the birds warm. I'm sure if they caught them they'd eat them, but who knows how much they'll come out during the day....
Oh geez, I'm so sorry you have been so sick! Wow, this is just awful. I sure hope this round of botox helps! Good luck on the silkie babies! They will do great under mama broody. She will know what to do and she'll be a great mama, I'm sure. I might try to catch the mice or something personally. I stick poison down into their holes and they usually die down there. But otherwise, if you don't see a huge infestation, they shouldn't hurt anything. Except they will eat the feed and drink the water and poop in it. If they risk coming out during the day, hopefully they'll be mouse bait for the chickens.

Hawkeye- Thanks, I like it because it is unique, cant wait to fix it up next spring. The only area on teh little chick that is still a tad fluff is on very topof her head and even there you have to really look to see. The neck is fully feathered those are just white laced in black on the neck, but then I guess there are still a few small places. Maybe I should wait to take her out.? She is about 6 weeks old. My others are out there are doing great,
I let mine out at about 8 weeks when it's really cold. But then again, I let mine out at 6 weeks last year in the barn in a horse stall where they were out of the wind. But it was certainly cold.

Hawkeye, well I know what you mean about the wind I was out in it all morning putting up the netting on my new turkey pen & then I had to put up two tarps by myself in the wind. Whew, by the time I fought that & got it all up & got the turkeys moved in the pen I was just pooped out. I'm going to get my wheaten Amerauacana rooster & hen from Josie's DH today & drop off my Black Ameraucana roo that is going to a gal up by where they live so I had to get the turkey pen done this morning so I could have the pen for them. I didn't get to work at all on the pen yesterday either because we ended up making a mad last minute dash to exchange my granddaughter's electric scooter we got her for her birthday. It was so aggravating, we had gotten it all put together & charged it overnight & then it didn't work, so we had to make a fast run up to Target at Derby to take it back & then they didn't have that one in the store so we had to get another higher priced model. Then the helmet we got to match the scooter didn't match so we had to get a different color for that too & then I had to hurry home & re-wrap that really fast because I had it wrapped already & then barely made it over to their house to celebrate her birthday. It turned out OK, the new one actually did have enough charge for her to ride it some while we were there. It was so funny because first she tried it just in the yard & the first time she got on she didn't realize how fast it would go & oh I wish I had my camera at that moment because the look on her face was just priceless! But she kept getting on & finally got good enough to go out to the sidewalk & really got good at it in a short time. She is going to have so much fun on that thing. Her other grandpa said Amber better watch her or she would be hopping on that & ending up down at Braum's before she knew it, she just may too knowing her. We did have a good time at her birthday party, it's always nice to be able to see her & spend time with her.

tweety, you were posting when I was, I'm sorry you're still having so many problems, I hope this treatment works for you.

I think once the turkeys get used to their new pen they will really like having all of that room, the new pen is about twice the size of the other one. You should have seen me catching those turkeys & carrying them to the new pen. I didn't think they would go in there voluntarily because they have never been in there before so I caught them & carried them in one by one. Then hens weren't too bad, but when I got to the tom wow I knew he was good sized, but I hadn't realized how heavy he had gotten. I was huffing & puffing by the time I got him over there.

Well I hope you all have a good rest of the day, I'm going to be busy until much later going up to pick up birds & leaving one. I also need to pick up a couple more cheap tarps for the sides of the turkey pen on the way back. I wanted to get at least enough to block most of the wind first off, so I did that & now I need to finish it.
Oh my Trish, sounds like you had a lot of "fun" with the wind. I also decided to brave the wind and get all of the plastic I had put up. I need to buy a bit more, but I'm pretty well set for tonight, at least. That is SO cute about the scooter and how much she enjoyed it! What a great birthday gift! Sort of a bummer you had to take it back and then spend more on it. Ah well. Seems like those things always don't go according to plan. Glad you had fun at the party. How heavy would you guess your tom to be? Turkey are soooo pretty and sweet.

Okay-- so I took a picture of what I got accomplished today. I decided not to flake out on myself and I got my booty out there and wrapped the outdoor silkie pen in plastic. Well-- I used up all the plastic I had. It's really thick stuff. Used furring strips and cut them and just screwed them in to keep it in place. I need more strips, I have plenty of wood, screws, etc, but ran out of time. Had to just now pick up kids and I'm biding my time for a bit before piano. ANyway, the only part that is not covered is the part you see! So that's pretty good. The north and west side are all enclosed. I need to finish the east side, which is the side you are looking at. Otherwise, most of the wind is off of them now and it should help keep them warmer. I need to plug in their cookie tin heaters and get those ready, too! Then they'll be all set and warm this winter.

You can click to enlarge. It's not the most fantastic job, but I did do it by myself. Would have been MUCH easier with someone helping. Oh well.

You poor thing. I hope this helps and you get to feeling better. I can't imagine not feeling good so much or having to go to the hospital. I would set traps for the mice away from where the chickens can get to them. I don't like poison because I don't want my birds to eat a poisoned dead or dying mouse. Rodents can carry diseases and contaminate food/water that your birds are "sharing" with them.
HI all!
I know I haven't posted in a while, but I peeked in a few times just to see what's going on.
Last week was a pretty bad week for me (yes, again). Went into the hospital Turkeyday night and got out on Sunday, then was in and out of the Er many times since then. They did do another botox injection last tuesday. This time it was a different doctor, but I couldn't reach my current doc, so I hope I wasn't letting him step on her toes by allowing him to do it, but today I'm starting to notice a difference again. I only hope this time the "feel good days" last more than a week.

My silkie babies are due to hatch anytime this week! I'm checking them a few times a day. Well, just lifting momma's belly and peeking really. :) I can't wait till I hear/see the first one! I'll post pics.

Also came on to ask a question. It might just be the time of the year, but I saw not one, but two!, mice in the coop last night when putting up the girls. How bad is it to have them in there? They are apparently nesting in the extra haybales I put in there to keep the birds warm. I'm sure if they caught them they'd eat them, but who knows how much they'll come out during the day....
Good job! I am sure it would have been a million times easier with help. It was windy as heck today.
Okay-- so I took a picture of what I got accomplished today. I decided not to flake out on myself and I got my booty out there and wrapped the outdoor silkie pen in plastic. Well-- I used up all the plastic I had. It's really thick stuff. Used furring strips and cut them and just screwed them in to keep it in place. I need more strips, I have plenty of wood, screws, etc, but ran out of time. Had to just now pick up kids and I'm biding my time for a bit before piano. ANyway, the only part that is not covered is the part you see! So that's pretty good. The north and west side are all enclosed. I need to finish the east side, which is the side you are looking at. Otherwise, most of the wind is off of them now and it should help keep them warmer. I need to plug in their cookie tin heaters and get those ready, too! Then they'll be all set and warm this winter.

You can click to enlarge. It's not the most fantastic job, but I did do it by myself. Would have been MUCH easier with someone helping. Oh well.

Well I thought I would get more done today but what else is new right? Here are some random pics of the birdies.

The goobies having a nap on the lawn.

Giant mister turkey. Even when he isn't all puffed up there is still a LOT of bird there!

My big handsome english orp boy "Moose." Love this fella, he is just starting to crow!

These weeds grew in the pens this summer and they had huge, broad leaves so I left them because the birds didn't eat them and they provided a lot of shade. We used to joke that it was the "serama jungle" and now they are using the branches as perches for their afternoon naps, silly girls!
Just checking in to let you know I'm still kicking. Getting sick at this time of year was seriously poor timing. I'm not anywhere near normal yet, but will be. As my doctor explained it to me what happened was the equivalent of a stroke, only it happened in the colon. No cancer, no horrible diagnosis, just having a very slow recovery. My energy level is very, very slowly returning but things that used to be nothing are monumental. Just walking out to see the birds is exhausting. Not in an "oh, I'm fatigued." sort of way but a "my body is going to sleep whether I like it or not" sort of way. Very frustrating but the doctor says it is just going to take quite some time to get my energy back. I had to give up caffeine also, so that's complicating things considerably. I'll be back with you all as soon as I can. My eyes are fine for reading now but with the kids, Christmas coming, and John working more hours since the layoffs, I'm stretched really thin. I've had two kids with pneumonia as well. Sheesh. Miss ya'll!
You poor thing. I hope this helps and you get to feeling better. I can't imagine not feeling good so much or having to go to the hospital. I would set traps for the mice away from where the chickens can get to them. I don't like poison because I don't want my birds to eat a poisoned dead or dying mouse. Rodents can carry diseases and contaminate food/water that your birds are "sharing" with them.
Good job! I am sure it would have been a million times easier with help. It was windy as heck today.

Well I thought I would get more done today but what else is new right? Here are some random pics of the birdies.

The goobies having a nap on the lawn.

Giant mister turkey. Even when he isn't all puffed up there is still a LOT of bird there!

My big handsome english orp boy "Moose." Love this fella, he is just starting to crow!

These weeds grew in the pens this summer and they had huge, broad leaves so I left them because the birds didn't eat them and they provided a lot of shade. We used to joke that it was the "serama jungle" and now they are using the branches as perches for their afternoon naps, silly girls!
Josie, you have your very own Serma tree!
Tweety I am sorry you are having a hard time. You are in my thoughts and I wisg you lots of healing energy. I will redo my healing in your name.
Karen- I hope you get back to moving around and feeling better. I also have terrible fatigue and I know how terrible it can be.
Josie- The duck is delicious. My family is in love. I love the serema. That is the next breed I want. If you breed them let me know I may buy a few.
I had a busy day and ran out of time to do have of what I wanted.
I got the netting up on the new double pen I sat up for the blue slate turkeys. I had to piece two sections together and overlap here and there to make it work. I installed a pole across one section and tied the two types of netting to it and tied them here and there where they overlapped. I had just installed another gate panel on the front. So maybe tomorrow I will have time to get the blue slates carried to the pen. Then I can take one panel off their current pen and replace the extra gate panel I had to use to complete it. I don't worry about them getting out nearly as much as I did the wild ones. They will have so much more room and more shelter now if they decide to use it. After reading your post Trish I am kind of worried about moving my birds. I know they are heavy. I may have to catch them one by one and put them in a dog transport kennel and haul them by wagon to the new pen.
I talked to my duck buyer today finally and he hadn't found my message until today. It looks like it is going to be next weekend before he can come get these ducks. He said he would take my excess cockerels as well so that will help a lot. I still hate to get rid of some of these nice boys for meat. I have one pure bred sussex cockerel, several black copper marans, and several barred rock boys. Mammahen I am saving you a barred rock boy.
Any of the rest of you, please let me know if any of you are interested in any of these boys. They are all old enough to be outside, at least a couple months old if not older.
I got the box that was packed of my Mom's craft things out today. I spent way too much time going through it deciding what I could use and what I couldn't. Between her stuff and mine I have enough embroidery thread to last a lifetime. She had a lot of plastic canvas project and some of them already cut and started but I threw those away cause I have no interest in that. I found a few kits that I may try to sell or donate. There were knitting needles and a few crochet hooks. I don't knit or crochet. I think I may send those to my oldest daughter. She is knitting hats to sell so she may like them. I felt really guilty throwing things away that she had worked on. I did save a bunch of little projects. I think I am going to do what I can to finish them so they can be used for tree ornaments. When I take my Dad a Christmas tree I will put them on it. He can do what he wants with them after that. Of course I had to take some time to cry in the middle of all that. I wasted
way too much time but I will have days of work sorting the threads and getting them organized by number. Cold day activities. It sure would be nice to find the time to do those things.
I sure miss a lot of people here. It's been days since several of them have posted. Tweety I am sorry you are sick again.
I heard from Karen a few days ago and she is still not doing well.
Where is Mammahen, checoukan, sharol, etc?

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