Consolidated Kansas

I have a bit of a motley crew. (...the star of the flock is a three-year-old, grisled Leghorn. Ha!) But they are well-loved! I have had chickens on and off for most of my life, except for these last few years when I've been in college. Now, I'm so so excited to move my ladies (which have been living with my dad) to Salina with me as I start my new job. I need a bit of help with networking, though. I'm having trouble finding a chicken-friendly landlord in Salina and was hoping that one of the BYC members might have some leads.
Hi folks!
I'm new! I live in Kansas! I got a new job and need to find the chicken-lovers network in Salina!
I finally found a photo from last fall of our Hoop Coop. I couldn't find the photo of the inside so I will take one of that sometime. It is way over-built, and not yet finished, but was far more than adequate for the chickens over the winter.

Wow Mustang. You really built a coop! It is going to put any of ours to shame. Mine is all about quick pen and housing.
I can assure you it will be nothing like that.
I just came in to get a drink. I got the eggs picked up, and gave a quick tour. Then I got the feed shoveled off the truck. Then I watered every one. I still need to feed but I am going to do that later in the day. I need to make a couple phone calls then get busy again.
I am kind of dragging today. Off loading all that lumber yesterday kind of did me in. But I've got too much to do to slack too much.
I was thinking while ago that I need to build another one of these hoop houses for my midget whites and move the other peacocks out to the peacock building. My purple pied white cock got a broken feather yesterday and I thought he was going to bleed to death. He keeps breaking his tail feathers in the pen he is in. I could easily move pheasants or even a breed of chicken to those pens instead. They aren't quite big enough for the turkey cause I have so many whites.
I just keep changing plans and moving birds here and there.
Someday maybe I'll have the whole mess figured out.
Well I'm back to work.
Lizzy I think I forgot to tell you congrats on the eggs. Are you going to do any hatching?
No, I'm not currently planning on doing any hatching. I have as many birds as I can handle right now without building another bird house, and I don't think my husband would go for that.
I'm just planning on using the eggs for cooking/baking. At this rate, I'm probably gonna need to do a lot more cooking/baking to keep up with the eggs my birds are providing (2 eggs/day so far - the two of us don't use that many eggs). I'll probably end up trying to sell the extras to help the birds pay for themselves.
Wow Mustang. You really built a coop! It is going to put any of ours to shame. Mine is all about quick pen and housing.
I can assure you it will be nothing like that.
I just came in to get a drink. I got the eggs picked up, and gave a quick tour. Then I got the feed shoveled off the truck. Then I watered every one. I still need to feed but I am going to do that later in the day. I need to make a couple phone calls then get busy again.
I am kind of dragging today. Off loading all that lumber yesterday kind of did me in. But I've got too much to do to slack too much.
I was thinking while ago that I need to build another one of these hoop houses for my midget whites and move the other peacocks out to the peacock building. My purple pied white cock got a broken feather yesterday and I thought he was going to bleed to death. He keeps breaking his tail feathers in the pen he is in. I could easily move pheasants or even a breed of chicken to those pens instead. They aren't quite big enough for the turkey cause I have so many whites.
I just keep changing plans and moving birds here and there.
Someday maybe I'll have the whole mess figured out.
Well I'm back to work.

We just got back from chicken danz place. we bought some of her hatching eggs and she gave us a wonderful tour. She has the most wonderful birds. they are so pretty and she looks like she takes care of them all so well. My grandson loved her beautiful puppies and was so interested in the talking turkeys. Thank you so much Verna for giving us a tour. i hope we didnt set you back any on your time.

We just got back from chicken danz place. we bought some of her hatching eggs and she gave us a wonderful tour. She has the most wonderful birds. they are so pretty and she looks like she takes care of them all so well. My grandson loved her beautiful puppies and was so interested in the talking turkeys. Thank you so much Verna for giving us a tour. i hope we didnt set you back any on your time.
I agree, i call it Birdtopia
Wow mstng67, that is a beautiful coop. Mine won't look anything like that but is only designed to be a temporary coop for them - not their permanent abode. Great job building it up like that to make it easy to walk in. I will have to duck to go through my door when it is done, but at least I'll be able to stand upright once I'm inside.
Danz, I'm with you. I'm beat. Thank goodness for late start Wednesdays! DH took Jorgie for his surgery this morning and the kids and I got the chickens/ducks all set. I had a sick kid and so I made a run to the doctor's office, then to Walmart, off to the pharmacy, grabbed some lunch, got gas (for the van), back home. Then flew back out the door to loan some supplies to a couple scrapbooking buddies, back home, out to the chicken pen to check on feed, clean out the waterers the ducks made a mess of and gather eggs, a man showed up to replace our old gas meter, kids got off the bus, I flew back to school to pick up the yearbook staffer and stuco president, back home. Gas man finished up, relit everything, left. Time to start supper and DH came home. Between all of that mess today, I got a call from the vet saying that Jorgie's surgery went fine and he will be coming home tomorrow. I was so relieved but wished he could come home today. How could I be so busy and not really get anything done?
I don't know but I have it down to a fine art.
Hello all this wonderful weather has us all buzzin about doesn't it. I wish I had more time to post but I have been goin goin non stop. I wanted to post a pic of one of my girls to get some feedback if you will I am still very new to chickens so tell me what ya think of her good and bad :) Thanks in advance you guys are a great group!

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